Bitwig Grid Course

This free to access course teaches you how to use Bitwig Studio's Grid, create music, and design effects and instruments.

The course is free to use without a login or subscription. If you'd like to give back, you can subscribe to my Patreon or send a donation via PayPal.

  1. What this course covers - This Bitwig Grid course teaches you how to use Bitwig Studio's Grid, create music, design effects and instruments, and master the Grid. Start here!

  2. What is the Grid - Learn what Bitwig's Grid is, how it compares to other solutions, and what it isn’t. Understand its limitations and how to work around them effectively.

  3. The Bitwig Grid Devices - Bitwig features three Grid devices for creating note FX, instruments, and audio FX. Learn their differences, why there are three devices, and how they interact with the rest of the Bitwig DAW.

  4. Polyphony & Stacking Settings - In Bitwig's inspector, you'll find several options for the Grid that give you control over polyphony and voice stacking. Additionally, the Phase and Free Run settings are important for certain patches, as they affect how phase-driven modules behave.

  5. Grid Window - In Bitwig's inspector, you'll find several options for the Grid that give you control over polyphony and voice stacking. Additionally, the Phase and Free Run settings are important for certain patches, as they affect how phase-driven modules behave.

  6. Base Knowledge - Before we dive deeper into the Bitwig Grid, it might be helpful to clarify a few terms that often come up. To make sure you know what’s being referred to, here’s a brief overview of the key concepts.

  7. Grid Modules - Alright folks, now it’s getting serious. Let's meet the modules of the Bitwig Grid. Small, Powerful and powerful like little Lego Audio Bricks!

  8. Module Features - Before we dive into the different signal types in the Grid, let’s first talk about the features available in the Grid modules themselves.

  9. Grid Signals - Learn about the signals used in the Grid and how to connect them to modules to create sounds or build logical constructs.

  10. Note Grid - Creating a Note FX Patch - Enough with the theory, let's dive into building a small patch so you can get a feel for the workflow. After all, the best way to learn is by doing!

  11. Note Grid - Quantizing Notes - Let's quantize notes directly in the pitch domain and restrict them to specific notes so we can effortlessly play within a scale!