Base Knowledge

Before we dive deeper into the Bitwig Grid, it might be helpful to clarify a few terms that often come up. To make sure you know what’s being referred to, here’s a brief overview of the key concepts. Feel free to bookmark this page or revisit it whenever something seems unclear

If any terms are still confusing, don’t hesitate to reach out—I’ll be happy to update this list. This also ties back to what I mentioned earlier: music production involves mastering many different areas, and the same goes for the Grid if you want to fully unlock its potential.

Signal Polarity and Parameters

Rates and Oscillation

Periodic vs. Aperiodic

Linear vs. Non-Linear

Pitch, Notes, and Semitones

Frequency and Ranges

Loudness and Measurement

These terms show up everywhere in music production, especially in modular setups. Knowing what they mean will help you understand and control your sound better.

▶ Next Lesson: Grid Modules
◀ Previous Lesson: Grid Window
Bitwig Grid Course Overview