Grid Modules

Alright folks, now it’s getting serious. We’re diving into the Bitwig Grid, and below you’ll see a list of all the available modules in this modular environment. The modules are designed to be very straightforward and work in real-time, meaning they continuously update their input and output values at the sample rate. You don’t need to send a trigger signal to activate them—unlike in Pure Data or PlugData, there’s no concept of hot and cold inlets. All inputs and outputs are constantly active and can process data at audio rate.

Can you explain all Modules?

I've often been asked to make videos explaining individual modules, but most of them are so basic that they can be described in a single sentence. However, the real power of the Grid comes from combining these modules creatively. The magic happens in the patching, not in the modules themselves. It's a bit like Lego—you don’t need to explain each brick separately, but how you connect them determines the final result.

You could almost compare it to learning vocabulary. Each module is like a single word, and it’s hard to explain all the possibilities that come from just one word. You can write endless sentences with a single word, depending on how you use it. That’s why making a video or explanation for each individual module isn’t all that helpful—what really matters is how you use them together, in context, while patching.

It’s similar to learning a foreign language, where you start by learning some basic vocabulary and grammar. But here, you don’t need to learn every module to start creating. Knowing just a handful of modules and how to use them effectively is enough to get started. The rest will come naturally as you explore and experiment."

For example, basic math modules like Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide perform simple operations. Multiplying two signals creates a ring modulator, while subtracting them can invert the phase. The meaning depends entirely on the context in which you use them.

You’ll explore this hands-on throughout the course as we build patches together. For now, it’s helpful just to get a sense of how many modules exist, but you don’t need to memorize them all—that’s probably impossible anyway. Even I don’t know every module by heart, and sometimes I have to check the help menu to clarify a module’s function.

Get Help!

In Bitwig, you can click any module inside the Grid and press F1 for a description. This will give you a breakdown of what the module does, what its inputs and outputs mean, and if there are any additional settings available in the Inspector panel on the left.

I recommend simply browsing the module list to get a rough idea of what’s available. Don’t worry about memorizing everything—the best way to remember them is by solving practical problems and using the modules in real projects. Over time, you'll naturally build a mental library of the modules you use most often for your patches.

I/O Category

Terminal modules for signals entering or exiting this Grid device

I/O Modules of the Bitwig Grid

Display Category

Visualization and note-taking modules

Phase Category

Modules that output wrapped phase signals

Data Category

Lookup modules that are read with incoming phase signals

Oscillator Category

Periodic signal generators based on waveforms or samples

Random Category

Aperiodic and randomized signal generators

LFO Category

Periodic low frequency oscillators

Envelope Category

Modules that produce or extract an envelope, often with a built-in amplifier

Filter Category

Frequency-dependent amplifiers

Shaper Category

Various linear and nonlinear waveshapers

Delay/FX Category

Delay functions and other time-based audio FX

Mix Category

Signal routing and mixing modules

Level Category

Amplitude-based functions, values, and converters

Pitch Category

Modules that produce pitch values

Math Category

Basic arithmetic operators

Logic Category

Comparators and other modules that output logic signals

▶ Next Lesson: Module Features
◀ Previous Lesson: Base Knowledge
Bitwig Grid Course Overview