Grid Modules
Alright folks, now it’s getting serious. We’re diving into the Bitwig Grid, and below you’ll see a list of all the available modules in this modular environment. The modules are designed to be very straightforward and work in real-time, meaning they continuously update their input and output values at the sample rate. You don’t need to send a trigger signal to activate them—unlike in Pure Data or PlugData, there’s no concept of hot and cold inlets. All inputs and outputs are constantly active and can process data at audio rate.
Can you explain all Modules? #
I've often been asked to make videos explaining individual modules, but most of them are so basic that they can be described in a single sentence. However, the real power of the Grid comes from combining these modules creatively. The magic happens in the patching, not in the modules themselves. It's a bit like Lego—you don’t need to explain each brick separately, but how you connect them determines the final result.
You could almost compare it to learning vocabulary. Each module is like a single word, and it’s hard to explain all the possibilities that come from just one word. You can write endless sentences with a single word, depending on how you use it. That’s why making a video or explanation for each individual module isn’t all that helpful—what really matters is how you use them together, in context, while patching.
It’s similar to learning a foreign language, where you start by learning some basic vocabulary and grammar. But here, you don’t need to learn every module to start creating. Knowing just a handful of modules and how to use them effectively is enough to get started. The rest will come naturally as you explore and experiment."
For example, basic math modules like Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide perform simple operations. Multiplying two signals creates a ring modulator, while subtracting them can invert the phase. The meaning depends entirely on the context in which you use them.
You’ll explore this hands-on throughout the course as we build patches together. For now, it’s helpful just to get a sense of how many modules exist, but you don’t need to memorize them all—that’s probably impossible anyway. Even I don’t know every module by heart, and sometimes I have to check the help menu to clarify a module’s function.
Get Help! #
In Bitwig, you can click any module inside the Grid and press F1 for a description. This will give you a breakdown of what the module does, what its inputs and outputs mean, and if there are any additional settings available in the Inspector panel on the left.
I recommend simply browsing the module list to get a rough idea of what’s available. Don’t worry about memorizing everything—the best way to remember them is by solving practical problems and using the modules in real projects. Over time, you'll naturally build a mental library of the modules you use most often for your patches.
I/O Category #
Terminal modules for signals entering or exiting this Grid device
- Gate In - Supplies note gate signals from the device
- Phase In - Supplies the device's default phase signal
- Pitch In - Supplies note pitch signals from the device
- Velocity In - Supplies note velocity signals from the device. Velocity Mode determines if velocities come only from note ons/offs or from both. Velocity Mode is shown on the device face and can be changed from the device's context menu or the Inspector Panel.
- Audio In - Supplies audio signals from the device
- Audio Out - Sends audio signals to the device's output bus. Has an Output Clipping Mode option (Off, Hard, or Soft) and an Output Clipping Level (0 dB, +6 dB, +12 dB, or +24 dB) to handle overages.
- Gain In - Supplies note gain expressions
- Pan In - Supplies note pan expressions
- Pressure In - Supplies note poly pressure signals from the device
- Timbre In - Supplies timbre expressions from the device
- CC In - Supplies selected continuous control signals from any or all MIDI channels
- CC Out - Outputs continuous control signals on any MIDI channel
- Note In - Provides gate, expressions, and channel info for every incoming note. Its eight output ports match the Note Out setup, making it easy for processor patching.
- Note Out - Creates output notes with all expressions available via eight input ports.
- A gate signal at Gate In triggers a note to be created.
- Pitch, Velocity, and Channel can be fixed on the module face or provided with signals. (Pitch In needs a signal between C-2 and G8. Velocity In must be 0 or higher.)
- When Enable All Expressions is on, inputs for Timbre, Pressure, Gain, and Pan are available for signal control. When it's off, any existing connections are remembered but inactive.
- You can load multiple Note Out modules to help with sequencer/groovebox style patches or to group notes onto different MIDI channels.
- Audio Sidechain - Supplies audio signals from a chosen project path
- HW In - Supplies audio signals from a chosen external path
- HW Out - Sends audio signals to a chosen external output bus
- CV In - Supplies control voltage (CV) signals from a chosen external path
- CV Out - Sends control voltage signals to a chosen external CV output bus
- CV Pitch Out - Sends pitch control voltage signals to a chosen external output bus
- Key On - Supplies note gate signals from a specified note and channel
- Keys Held - Shows how many keys are currently held
- Transport Playing - Supplies the application's playback status
- Voice Stack Info - Supplies the current voice stack index (polyphonic signal) and the total voice stack size
- Modulator Out - Makes incoming signals available as a modulator signal
Display Category #
Visualization and note-taking modules
- Label - Large text widget
- Comment - Smaller text widget
- Oscilloscope - Dual trace oscilloscope with through ports and controls for Y Maximum, Y Bipolar (or not), and whether to show the Last voice played or a sum of All voices
- Spectrum - Shows a spectrogram for up to four signals
- VU Meter - An averaging level meter
- XY - Two-dimensional control pad
- Value Readout - Stereo numeric readout for various domains
Phase Category #
Modules that output wrapped phase signals
- Phasor - Phase signal generator with typical oscillator controls
- Ø Bend - Imposes a variable curve on a phase signal
- Ø Pinch - Imposes an S-curve on a phase signal
- Ø Reset - Resets the incoming phase signal to 0 when triggered
- Ø Scaler - Speeds up or slows down an incoming phase signal
- Ø Reverse - Inverts a valid phase signal
- Ø Wrap - Wraps any signal into the phase signal range
- Pitch → Ø - Wraps a pitch signal's octave as a phase signal
- Ø Counter - Turns trigger signals into discrete phase values
- Ø Formant - Amplifies the incoming signal around +0.5
- Ø Lag - A lag processor that stays within the phase range
- Ø Mirror - Applies gain to the incoming phase signal and then reflects it
- Ø Shift - Offsets the incoming phase signal by a set amount
- Ø Sinemod - Modulates the incoming phase signal with a sine wave
- Ø Skew - Remaps the incoming level to +0.5
- Ø Sync - Amplifies the incoming phase signal before wrapping it
- Ø Split - Distributes the phase signal evenly to up to 8 outputs
Data Category #
Lookup modules that are read with incoming phase signals
- Gates - An event sequencer
- Pitches - A mono pitch sequencer
- Slopes - A freely drawable, segmented sequencer with BWCURVE file support. Uses the Curve Editor and has options for a stereo Phase In, Bipolar toggle (±), anti-aliasing, and muting when transport is stopped.
- Steps - A step sequencer
- Triggers - Generates N triggers evenly across each cycle
- Probabilities - A probabilistic event sequencer
- Ø Pulse - A pulse lookup module
- Ø Saw - A saw lookup module
- Ø Sine - A sine lookup module
- Ø Triangle - A triangle lookup module
- Ø Window - A cosine window module
- Array - A recordable lookup table
Oscillator Category #
Periodic signal generators based on waveforms or samples
- Pulse - A geometric pulse oscillator
- Sawtooth - A geometric sawtooth oscillator
- Sine - A sine wave oscillator
- Triangle - A geometric triangle oscillator
- Union - A DC-drifting, analog-style oscillator that blends pulse, saw, and triangle. Each wave has its own Level control, or you can click each waveform visual to instantly set it to 100% and the others to zero. Pulse Width is controlled by dragging the slider in the display.
- Wavetable - A wavetable oscillator with special unison modes and processing. It shows the entire table visually, has options for different wavetable file formats, and lets each stereo channel read a different part of the same table. Also offers phase-spreading unison modes, harmonic phase options, and removal of the fundamental or DC offset.
- Sub - A sub oscillator with six waveform choices and an Octave offset
- Bite - A techniques-driven oscillator with exponential FM, hard sync, PWM, and ring mod from dual oscillator feedback. Each internal oscillator has multiple wave choices and a pulse width control. Includes mix controls for Osc A, Osc B, and ring mod (RM).
- Phase-1 - A phase distortion oscillator
- Scrawl - A freely drawable, segmented oscillator. Has its own curve editor (BWCURVE support), anti-aliasing, and standard oscillator controls like Key Tracking, Pitch Offset, and Detune. Can also retrigger on note on.
- Swarm - A unison oscillator
- Sampler - A module version of the Sampler device
Random Category #
Aperiodic and randomized signal generators
- Noise - White/pink noise generator
- S/H LFO - Free or beat-synced random oscillator
- Chance - Weighted random logic signal generator
- Dice - Uniform random value generator
LFO Category #
Periodic low frequency oscillators
- LFO - A free or beat-synced geometric oscillator
- Curves - A freely drawable, segmented LFO with BWCURVE file support. Has Rate and Timebase controls (Hertz, Kilohertz, Bars, etc.), plus options for smoothing, bipolar output, and more.
- Wavetable LFO - A morphable LFO with Bitwig WT file support
- Clock - A phase-signal generator set in Hertz
- Transport - A synced phase-signal generator
Envelope Category #
Modules that produce or extract an envelope, often with a built-in amplifier
- ADSR - A four-stage gated envelope generator with amplifier. It has three Model options (Analog, Relative, Digital). It also has a special Bias Out port that centers around zero during the sustain stage.
- AD - A two-stage triggered envelope generator with amplifier. Can loop, and has the same three Model options as ADSR.
- AR - A three-stage gated envelope generator with amplifier. Also has the three Model options (Analog, Relative, Digital).
- Pluck - A plucked string-style envelope generator with an internal amplifier.
- Segments - A freely drawable, segmented envelope generator. It uses the Curve Editor (BWCURVE support) and has four Play Modes (One-shot, Hold, Looping, Ping Pong). Rate and Timebase can be set or modulated, and there is an internal amplifier. Optional smoothing and a Bipolar toggle are also available.
- Follower-RF - An envelope extractor that uses segment times for rising and falling signals.
- Slope ↗ - A slope shaper for rising signals.
- Slope ↘ - A slope shaper for falling signals.
- Follower - A symmetric envelope extractor.
Filter Category #
Frequency-dependent amplifiers
- Low-pass LD - Resonant low-pass ladder filter
- Low-pass MG - A Moog-style low-pass filter with Drive for mix bus saturation
- Sallen-Key - Resonant filter with 16 models (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass) and various slopes
- SVF - A highly resonant multimode filter
- XP - Inspired by Oberheim, offering 15 different filter configurations
- Comb - A comb filter with Feedback and Dampening Frequency controls (relative to the Cutoff)
- Vowels - A filter that produces vowel sounds. You can pick or blend up to five vowel positions, choose from several vowel profiles, and switch between different internal filter topologies.
- Fizz - A modern character filter that spreads harmonic nodes around, inside a stereo, resonant low-pass stage
- Rasp - Another modern character filter that can scream or whisper, adding resonant peaks over a low-pass or band-pass core
- Ripple - A modern character filter with hyper-resonance. It uses feedback and feedforward loops to create strong harmonic peaks
- All-pass - An all-pass filter with adjustable slope
- High-pass - A high-pass filter with adjustable slope
- Low-pass - A low-pass filter with adjustable slope
Shaper Category #
Various linear and nonlinear waveshapers
- Chebyshev - Nonlinear shaper that can target harmonics
- Distortion - Gentle distortion with an optional anti-aliasing mode
- Hard Clip - A simple clipper with an optional anti-aliasing mode
- Quantizer - Reduces signal resolution, with an optional anti-aliasing mode
- Wavefolder - Folds each cycle back on itself, with an optional anti-aliasing mode
- Diode - A parametric diode-style shaper. Has Bias (for offset), Drive (for bending the signal), and a low-pass Cutoff Frequency to tame the high end. Offers an optional high-order anti-aliasing mode.
- Rectifier - Scales positive and negative parts of the signal separately, with an optional anti-aliasing mode
- Saturator - A waveshaper with loud/quiet settings and bipolar skew options (the module version of the Saturator device)
- Transfer - A freely drawable waveshaper (BWCURVE support) with anti-aliasing, a Drive control that can go ±24 dB, and a Bipolar toggle (±). In unipolar mode, you can choose to Clip or Reflect below zero.
- Push - A character soft clipper with a detailed curve and one Drive parameter, plus an optional high-order anti-aliasing mode
- Heat - A character S-shaped clipper that starts soft but can drive hard, with one Drive parameter and optional high-order anti-aliasing
- Soar - A character soft wave folder that boosts quieter parts, with one Drive parameter and optional high-order anti-aliasing
- Howl - A character wave folder that brings out different parts of the signal in a loud way, with one Drive parameter and optional high-order anti-aliasing
- Shred - A character non-linear wave folder for subtle cancellations or big artifacts, with one Drive parameter and optional high-order anti-aliasing
- Curve - Remaps defined input and output levels
Delay/FX Category #
Delay functions and other time-based audio FX
- Delay - A simple delay
- Long Delay - Delay set in time or beat units, with feedback connections
- Mod Delay - A modulator delay with an internal feedback loop
- Chorus+ - A chorus effect with four Character modes. This is the module version of the Chorus+ device
- Flanger+ - A flanger effect with four Character modes. This is the module version of the Flanger+ device
- Phaser+ - A phaser effect with four Character modes. This is the module version of the Phaser+ device
- All-pass Delay - An all-pass filter set up as a delay
- Recorder - Captures incoming audio
Mix Category #
Signal routing and mixing modules
- Blend - Crossfades between two incoming signals
- Mixer - A stereo mixer for up to six channels
- Pan - A simple panning control
- Stereo Width - Controls the stereo width of a signal
- Toggle In - Switches between two incoming signals, with a button on the module
- Toggle Out - Switches between two outgoing paths, with a button on the module
- Toggle - A signal gate that can be turned on or off
- Crossover-2 - A two-band Linkwitz–Riley frequency splitter
- Crossover-3 - A three-band Linkwitz–Riley frequency splitter
- Select In - A binary selector for two incoming signals
- Select Out - A binary selector for two outputs
- Merge - A router with up to eight inputs, sending one or two adjacent signals to the output
- Split - A router with up to eight outputs, sending the incoming signal to one or two adjacent outputs
- LR Gain - Gives separate gain controls for the left and right channels
- Stereo Merge - Builds a signal from left/right and mid/side components
- Stereo Split - Splits a signal into left/right and mid/side components
- Voice Stack Mix - Modulates volume, pan, solo, and enable for each voice in the stack
- Voice Stack Tog - Toggles the signal for each voice in the stack
Level Category #
Amplitude-based functions, values, and converters
- Level - Constant set in decibels
- Value - Constant set as a percentage
- Amplify - Signal amplifier set in percentage (up to 800%)
- Attenuate - Signal attenuator
- Bias - Adds an offset to the signal
- Gain - dB - Decibel gain control
- Gain - Vol - Volume gain control
- Velo Mult - Velocity-controlled scaler
- Average - Averages the signal
- Lag - Lag processor
- Bend - Imposes a variable curve on a signal
- Clip - Clipper for limiting the signal
- Level Scaler - Scales incoming unipolar signals into a chosen decibel range
- Pinch - Imposes an S-curve on the audio signal, with a Stereo-ize option
- Value Scaler - Scales incoming unipolar signals into a chosen value range
- AM/RM - Crossfades between dry carrier, amplitude modulation, and ring modulation
- Hold - Holds a level
- Sample / Hold - Samples and holds a level
- Shift Register - Serial level sampler with up to eight outputs
- Bi→Uni - Converts a bipolar signal to unipolar
- Uni→Bi - Converts a unipolar signal to bipolar
- Poly→Mono - Flattens the signal for all voices, with five modes: Last, Sum, Average, Min, or Max
Pitch Category #
Modules that produce pitch values
- Pitch - Constant set as pitch
- Octaver - Octave pitch shifter
- Ratio - Ratio-based pitch shifter
- Transpose - Semitone pitch shifter
- Pitch Quantize - Quantizes incoming signals to selected or currently held pitch classes
- by Semitone - Quantizes incoming signals strictly to semitones
- Pitch Buss - Summing buss with up to six inputs, each having an attenuator (±36 semitones). Inputs 2–6 also have a Thru (=) toggle to add signals without attenuation.
- Pitch Scaler - Scales incoming unipolar signals to a defined pitch range
- Zero Crossings - Rough pitch estimator
- Freq → Pitch - Converts Hertz (or kilohertz) to pitch, with optional stereo detune
- Pitch → Freq - Converts pitch to Hertz (or kilohertz), with optional stereo detune
Math Category #
Basic arithmetic operators
- Constant - Provides a precise, large-value constant
- Invert - Reverses polarity (multiplies incoming signal by -1), with a Stereo-ness option
- Reciprocal - Flips incoming signal to 1/x, with a Stereo-ness option
- Add - Adds two signals together
- Divide - Divides one signal by another
- Multiply - Multiplies two signals
- Subtract - Subtracts one signal from another
- Abs - Splits signal into magnitude and sign components
- Ceil - Rounds decimal values up to the next integer
- Floor - Rounds decimal values down to the previous integer
- MinMax - Outputs both the higher and lower values of two signals
- Quantize - Snaps signals to a specified step size
- Round - Rounds values below 0.5 down, and 0.5 or higher up
- Product - Multiplies all connected inputs together
- Sum - Adds all connected inputs together
- Exp - Raises incoming signal x to 2^x, e^x, or 10^x (configurable via Base)
- Exponents - Raises incoming signal to an integer power (Exponent range -9 to +9)
- Lin → dB - Converts linear amplitude values to decibels
- Log - Takes log base 2, e, or 10 of the incoming signal (configurable via Base)
- Power - Raises one signal to the power of another
- Roots - Takes a root of the incoming signal, with an integer Degree (1 to 9)
- dB → Lin - Converts decibel values back to linear amplitudes
Logic Category #
Comparators and other modules that output logic signals
- Button - A toggle that sends a logic signal
- Trigger - A momentary toggle that sends a brief logic signal
- Clock Divide - Triggers every N pulses of an incoming clock
- Clock Quantize - Holds a trigger until the next clock pulse
- Gate Length - Produces a logic pulse of a set duration when triggered
- Gate Repeat - Produces repeated logic pulses of a set duration while input is high
- Logic Delay - Delays high or low logic states
- Latch - Lets triggers alternate or set an output state
- N-Latch - Lets triggers alternate among multiple output states
- = - Checks if two signals are roughly equal
- ≥ - Checks if one signal is greater than or equal to another
- > - Checks if one signal is greater than another
- ≤ - Checks if one signal is less than or equal to another
- < - Checks if one signal is less than another
- ≠ - Checks if two signals are not equal
- NOT - Logic inverter
- AND - Logic gate that requires all inputs to be true
- OR - Logic gate that is true if any input is true
- XOR - Logic gate that is true if exactly one input is true
- NAND - Logic gate that is false only if all inputs are true
- NOR - Logic gate that is true only if all inputs are false
- XNOR - Logic gate that is true if all inputs match
▶ Next Lesson: Module Features
◀ Previous Lesson: Base Knowledge
▲ Bitwig Grid Course Overview