Note Grid - Quantizing Notes
Alright, let’s quantize the notes directly in the pitch domain so we can play freely on the MIDI keyboard while staying locked to a specific scale.
Step 1: Remove the Invert Module #
- Click the Invert module and press Delete or Backspace on your keyboard.
- Alternatively, right-click the module and select Delete.
- This will automatically restore the direct connection between Note In and Note Out, saving you extra steps.
Step 2: Exploring the Right-Click Options #
When right-clicking a module, you’ll see several helpful options:
- Disable (Mute) – Temporarily turns off the module without deleting it.
- Help – Opens the help menu for the module.
- Cut (Ctrl+X) – Removes the module and places it in the clipboard.
- Copy (Ctrl+C) – Copies the module for reuse.
- Paste (Ctrl+V) – Pastes a copied or cut module.
- Duplicate – Creates a second identical module with the same settings.
- Delete – Removes the module entirely.
- Replace With... – Swaps the module while keeping existing cable connections and parameter settings intact (great for quick experimentation!).
Now that the Invert module is gone, we can move on to setting up pitch quantization for a scale!
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