Tags: posts polarity-music Bitwig

Bitwig Studio 3.0 Beta Feedback and Physical Modeling Presets

Tutorial | May 24, 2019

In this video, I addressed some of the issues that viewers had with the noise and hiss in my previous recordings. I made some changes to my setup, removing limiters and EQs, and not using the limiter in my recording program. I then went on to discuss some small changes that could improve the 3.0 release of the beta version of the software. One of the suggestions I had was to add a search field at the top of the modules section for easy navigation. I also proposed adding a lock feature that would hide cables and lock the view for those building interfaces. I mentioned some issues I had with the beta, such as flickering red overlays, and the removal of hover information overlays. Overall, I expressed satisfaction with the beta release, mentioning its stability and lack of crashes. I also mentioned a YouTube channel that focuses on synthesis and shared my own physical modeling synth presets that can be downloaded. Finally, I talked about a generative track I created and made it available for download.

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Questions & Answers

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Questions and Answers

1. What were the complaints about the setup in the last video?

A lot of people complained about the setup in the last video because there was a lot of noise and hiss in the recordings. The microphone had limiters and EQs, which resulted in poor audio quality. Additionally, the limiter in the recording program was also causing issues. In response to these complaints, the setup was changed in order to provide better audio quality.

2. What change is suggested for the modules section in the beta period?

The suggestion for the modules section in the beta period is to add a search field at the top. Currently, the modules are categorized, which can make it difficult to find the right module quickly. By adding a search field, users can simply type in the name of the module they need and insert it quickly, instead of aimlessly clicking around and searching for the right category.

3. What other changes are suggested for the beta version?

Two other changes are suggested for the beta version. The first is to introduce a feature that allows users to lock the position of the view and hide the cables. This would be useful for those who want to build complex instruments but want to abstract away the complexity. The second suggested change is to bring back the node information that was removed from the hover information overlays. This would make it easier to access and verify the node information without having to go back and forth between different areas of the interface.

4. What is the overall opinion of the beta release?

The overall opinion of the beta release is positive. The speaker mentions that it is the best release in recent years and considers it to be stable. Despite some minor issues with the audio engine and the removal of the hover information overlays, the speaker is happy with the current beta release of Bitwig Studio 3.0.


This is what im talking about in this video. The text is transcribed by AI, so it might not be perfect. If you find any mistakes, please let me know.
You can also click on the timestamps to jump to the right part of the video, which should be helpful.

[00:00:00] Hey, welcome to another video.
[00:00:03] In my last video, a lot of people complained about my setup because there was a lot of
[00:00:07] noise and hiss in my recordings.
[00:00:10] So I changed a lot of stuff.
[00:00:11] I have removed all the limiters and EQs from the microphone and I actually don't use the
[00:00:19] limiter in my recording program.
[00:00:23] So this should work fine this time.
[00:00:27] In this video, I want to talk about things that should change within the beta period.
[00:00:34] Small things that could change and make the 3.0 release much, much better.
[00:00:40] And the first thing is the modules section here at the top.
[00:00:45] And we have different categories for the modules, which is great.
[00:00:49] But my problem with this is most of the times I know exactly which module I need for my
[00:00:57] currently preset.
[00:01:00] And I have the name of the module in my head and I want to type it in.
[00:01:04] So there needs to be a search field at the top, I think.
[00:01:08] Because now I have to think about what module do I need and in which category it's in.
[00:01:15] So most of the times I'm clicking aimlessly around searching for the right category to
[00:01:20] fit my module.
[00:01:22] And this takes a lot of time.
[00:01:25] I think most of the times I'm just clicking around and searching for the right tab.
[00:01:30] And then we have of course a lot of modules already in some categories.
[00:01:35] So we have to scroll and look for each module, which is the right one you're searching for.
[00:01:40] And this could change.
[00:01:42] There could be a search field at the top or when you right click here and have a search
[00:01:46] field then pop up and you can type in the module, then insert it quickly.
[00:01:51] That would be very, very nice.
[00:01:54] So this is the first thing.
[00:01:57] And the second thing is we have actually this feature in the grid here, which is this lock
[00:02:04] symbol.
[00:02:05] And you can click this and then the grid is removed.
[00:02:08] We don't have this module section at the top.
[00:02:11] You can still move around and we see the cables, but you can't move the modules.
[00:02:18] So they are basically locked.
[00:02:20] And this is pretty nice because in this you can build an interface with this.
[00:02:26] So let's imagine you have a grid setup and you move this here and you build your interface
[00:02:33] or kind of interface with these knobs, value and level and stuff like that.
[00:02:39] Maybe we get some faders in the future, future releases.
[00:02:44] But for now we have these buttons.
[00:02:46] And now I can hit lock and then I have some kind of interface here.
[00:02:52] And what the problem is, we can still move around and we can see the stuff we want to
[00:02:59] hide.
[00:03:00] And there's a lot of cables sometimes.
[00:03:02] So when you have a cable going from this thing into this, so we have a lot of cables coming
[00:03:09] down here.
[00:03:11] So maybe it would be great to have something like lock the position of the view and hide
[00:03:17] the cables.
[00:03:18] So all the cables are hidden.
[00:03:22] Maybe that's a nice way and easy way to get some kind of an interface for people that
[00:03:29] want to build complex instruments but want to abstract away the complexity.
[00:03:34] So maybe that's a nice idea, I don't know, but I think it would be pretty easy to implement.
[00:03:43] So a button to hide cables and yeah, lock the view maybe, something like this.
[00:03:52] Another problem I have with the beta right now is when you have something like this,
[00:04:00] so you send it window and you resize it pretty fast and in some cases it's flickering red.
[00:04:11] But not every time, sometimes.
[00:04:13] I don't know what this exactly is.
[00:04:16] You can see like this, when I change the window size randomly it pops red, red overlay pops
[00:04:26] up.
[00:04:27] I don't know what the problem is with that.
[00:04:29] But that should change too, I think.
[00:04:33] And one of the features of the 3.0 beta release was that all the hover information, hover informations
[00:04:45] are removed.
[00:04:46] So when you go to a knob here and you go with your mouse over the knob, you had in the previous
[00:04:55] release some kind of small info overlay with the node information or the frequency.
[00:05:02] And the node information is very important to me.
[00:05:05] And now we have this hover removed, so we have to look down here at the bottom to see
[00:05:11] the information.
[00:05:12] But the node information is gone, so I have to actually go in here and type again the
[00:05:18] node I want to have to make sure it's the right frequency, right?
[00:05:25] So I can see it's 49 Hz, but I don't know if it's the right node.
[00:05:29] So that would be nice to have the node information back, at least at the bottom.
[00:05:36] With the removal of the hover information overlays, I don't know if that's a nice change
[00:05:47] because sometimes when you have a big chain, a long chain, and you go to one button hover
[00:05:54] over it and you have to look at the bottom left and then you go with your eyes back to
[00:06:00] the top right of the chain.
[00:06:02] So you have a lot of movement of you need to look at different places all the time to
[00:06:08] just make sure you have the right values.
[00:06:11] So maybe I don't know if that's a great change, but I can live with it as it's not that big
[00:06:19] of a problem.
[00:06:21] So these are all my problems with the beta right now, so not very much.
[00:06:25] The rest is completely fine.
[00:06:26] I'm happy with the current beta release of Bitwig Studio 3.0.
[00:06:31] I think it's the best release we had in the recent years.
[00:06:36] It's pretty stable.
[00:06:37] I have no crashes.
[00:06:39] Sometimes the audio engine is crashing, but you can just restart it and then you're good
[00:06:45] to go.
[00:06:47] And yeah, pretty great release.
[00:06:50] Another topic I want to talk about is physical modeling.
[00:06:54] I watch a lot of videos from this guy here, Kevin from Audio Digital, and he has a lot
[00:07:01] of videos about synthesis, how you can build synths, FM synthesis, physical modeling, and
[00:07:09] so on.
[00:07:10] Pretty great guy, nice channel, and he said he will make a lot of videos in the coming
[00:07:17] weeks, coming days, coming months.
[00:07:20] So go to Audio Digital.
[00:07:22] I put a link in the description.
[00:07:24] Subscribe to Kevin.
[00:07:25] He make a lot of nice videos.
[00:07:27] So that's my tip.
[00:07:29] But in his last video, he talked about physical modeling, and I remembered that I did some
[00:07:38] kind of physical modeling synths with my Bitwig pack, Polarity Tools, I think it's called.
[00:07:47] And yeah, you can download this here in the package section below artist collection, and
[00:07:53] there is the Polarity Tools package you can install.
[00:08:00] And yeah, there is a preset called Brisswig because I was inspired by how is it called
[00:08:09] Prism from Native Instruments, and where you have a lot of physical modeling stuff, presets
[00:08:17] inside.
[00:08:18] So I built basically a resonator bank, and I built some noise bursts that go through
[00:08:25] these resonator banks here.
[00:08:28] And yeah, I tried my best to come up with nice sounds.
[00:08:33] And Kevin made this video about physical modeling yesterday, and I remembered my synth, and
[00:08:40] I thought, well, maybe I'll try some physical modeling.
[00:08:44] I have to make a short break.
[00:08:47] It's actually called physical modeling, not physical modeling.
[00:08:56] For myself, in the grid two, and I created two presets that I want to share with you.
[00:09:03] We are my guitar repository, and the first one is called Gitter God.
[00:09:10] And I tried to model or create a Gitter patch.
[00:09:15] Let's decrease that sizing here a bit.
[00:09:19] And I create the Gitter sound, and we have, of course, a noise burst here at the front,
[00:09:26] some filtering mixer, ADSR, and then we go to the comp filter, which is basically a resonator
[00:09:32] bank, if you will.
[00:09:34] And yeah, that's creating and I hope I didn't delete something important here.
[00:09:45] Let's remove that.
[00:09:48] I think that's important.
[00:09:49] Yeah, I don't have to remove that.
[00:09:53] And yeah, this is how it sounds.
[00:09:57] It's on.
[00:09:58] Yes, nice.
[00:09:59] We can add some reverb.
[00:10:19] So it becomes like a pet.
[00:10:46] It's not perfect.
[00:10:50] It's not a perfect guitar, but it's my first try.
[00:10:56] Basically one hour of work.
[00:11:00] I think it's great to share, so it's my guitar repository.
[00:11:04] I call this Gitter God.
[00:11:12] So this one is free to download for you, and the second one is Jupyter drone.
[00:11:20] Let's listen to that.
[00:11:23] It's actually an extended window.
[00:11:25] It's a little bit of a
[00:12:18] then the sound changes a bit.
[00:12:20] I
[00:12:35] think it sounds great.
[00:12:38] It's called Jupyter drone and it's also available in my guitar repository.
[00:12:44] And yeah, what else?
[00:12:49] Is there something else I want to talk about?
[00:12:53] I think I want to talk about this track here actually.
[00:12:57] Okay, let's do that.
[00:13:00] Let's save this patch again.
[00:13:03] Make sure it's safe.
[00:13:06] Let's play this tune.
[00:13:07] Okay.
[00:13:20] Okay.
[00:13:41] Yeah, that's a pretty generative track or project.
[00:14:02] And I fiddled around today and I also posted a video on Instagram, on my social media channels
[00:14:10] and showed this.
[00:14:12] And I think I make this available too in my guitar repository and it's called Gridnik.
[00:14:21] So you can go to my GitHub, download this project, download the presets and can play
[00:14:26] around with all the stuff and yeah, make some alterations and yeah, send me some feedback.
[00:14:32] And yes, that's it for this video.
[00:14:34] Thanks for watching and leave me comments, leave me a like, and I see you in the next
[00:14:39] video.