Tags: posts polarity-music Bitwig

Creating Backdrop - Generative-2023-02-07 Bitwig Grid Preset

Tutorial | Feb 02, 2023

In this video, I show how to create a poly grid to generate a tutorial for the week. I demonstrate how to use a length module and a note to get a long sustain phase with a short trigger phase that is perfect for pads. I also show how to use a Wavetable to create a melody and then layer it with random modulation, an octaver, and an external VST effect. Finally, I add a bass line and some drums to finish the patch.

You can watch the Video on Youtube
You can download the Patch from this video here: Download http://bit.ly/40zM57l


If you don't want to watch the Video, or search for a specific topic, here is the transcription of the video with links to video markers:

[00:00.000] Hey folks, welcome back. Today it's about Scatter, which is a VST plug-in. It's a
[00:04.560] granular loud generator and it's your usual grain FX buffer plug-in, whatever
[00:11.440] you want to call it. So it basically records your audio input and then takes
[00:16.880] small little bits, small little grains and place them back. And yeah, it's also on
[00:23.240] sale at the moment, 20% off. So I just bought this here and I want to show you
[00:29.280] how it sounds, because it's a really simple plug-in. It's not, you know,
[00:34.380] convoluted, not a lot of pages. It's just this page and you dial everything in
[00:39.520] on this page, which is what I like. As an input here, I'm just using my piano
[00:45.680] stage, piano tech. Okay, so on this one here we just use the Scatter.
[00:55.760] So there's obviously a mix knob here. We can dial in the FX amount. We have a
[01:03.760] reverb in there. Also feedback for the reverb. I think that's the feedback for
[01:11.360] the reverb here. And that also dials down here. And then we have here at the top we
[01:19.200] have all these grains. You can see we have 64 grains. We can change the number
[01:23.720] of grains we want to play. It's basically smaller chunks that take, that
[01:30.360] this plug-in takes out of the audio signal and place them back. And you can
[01:34.600] then change how big these bits are by changing at the size. You can also pitch
[01:43.360] these grains up. You can change the size or the shape of these or the volume
[01:53.480] shape. Basically it's an envelope here for all these smaller grains. You can also
[02:01.600] choose to play in reverse. You can also freeze everything so it plays back
[02:15.120] continuously, which is nice for drones probably. Then you have the pitch knob. You
[02:27.440] can pitch up in octaves. You can also change your chromatic if you want to a
[02:31.280] fifth. Right, so it locks into certain steps. And you can modulate this here by
[02:42.360] just turning up here the outer ring. And it modulates basically the pitch in
[02:49.000] octave quantization steps. You can also change the mode direction of course by
[02:55.880] polar. So what I really like about this plug-in is that it's really easy to use.
[03:14.520] There's not a lot of stuff to it. Not many pages, not like fragments from
[03:21.280] Arturia or Portal or whatever where you have multiple pages. What you
[03:28.120] see is what you get basically. So it's easy to use and easy to combine with
[03:33.080] different other effects. And that's what I like to do also in Bitwig to combine
[03:37.400] multiple effects to get much bigger results. So we have here multiple shapes
[03:52.320] which is nice. It also sounds very nice. The space here, the reverb is pretty
[04:09.880] handy to have. But you can also put here in Bitwig after the effect. Maybe it's
[04:17.200] super massive. If you don't like the internal reverb, just use that. And when
[04:31.440] you put here the VST, when you put the Valhalla into this small little box here
[04:36.760] with this small arrow icon, it's only on the wet signal as far as I can see.
[04:45.240] When I pull down here, the mix you can see. No, it's not on the
[04:53.640] wet effects. Okay. Yeah, it would be nice to have, right? Let's use your bigger reverb.
[05:18.200] Use a chain and put this here into the chain. So now we can mix it to get our
[05:27.480] end of Valhalla. Let's freeze this.
[05:57.480] Yeah, it's really nice to use. I probably also gonna check out fragments soon on
[06:08.760] this channel here. But this one I just bought today and I want to show you this
[06:13.720] because it's also on sale. Maybe you try it out. There's also a demo version. I used
[06:19.600] the demo version before. There's a button here. There's no demo down here.
[06:26.480] You can try it out for yourself. I think the only limitation is that you that it
[06:31.400] mutes the sound every few minutes or so. It's a bit annoying. But you know, that's
[06:36.240] that's how it is. Yeah, I think I used this probably a lot. So I want to show you
[06:45.880] this here. The link is in the description below and you can try it out for
[06:50.400] yourself. Thanks for watching and see you in the next video. Bye.