Tags: posts polarity-music Bitwig Audio-FX Sound-Design Modulators

Exploring Bitwig Studio Version 5: Beta 1 - Unlocking the Power of Modulation

Tutorial | Apr 11, 2023

In this video, I discussed the new features in Bitwig Studio version 5. This includes the new browser, with a compact design and the ability to install packages directly from within the browser. I also discussed the new track modulators and global modulators, which allow users to easily control multiple parameters from the same modulator and access them in the mixing panel. Finally, I talked about the new multi-stage envelope generator, curves and wave table oscillator. These new features make it easier to create interesting sounds and complex modulation patterns.better understand it and provide a proper response?

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Questions & Answers

Maybe you dont watch the video, here are some important takeaways:

What is the new browser feature in version 5?

The new browser feature in Bitwig Studio version 5 is a much more compact sidebar browser. It combines all search results for devices, presets, clips, and samples into one window. There are also four squares at the top for accessing and installing packages. Additionally, there is a smart search option that attempts to direct users to the category they are looking for. There is also a popup browser with instruments, effects, plug-ins, user library, and smart search.

What are track modulators and project modulators?

Track modulators are modulators that are specific to one track. They allow users to modulate different elements within the track, such as devices, plug-ins, audio effects, and more. Project modulators can be applied to the project as a whole and modulate elements on different tracks, such as volume and transposition.

Do we have a MSEG now?

Yes, there is a Multi-Stage Envelope Generator (MSEG) in Bitwig Studio version 5. It is located in the Modulation panel, and it has features like a sustain phase, repeats, hold, one shot, smoothing, and predefined curves. It is also possible to save custom curves and edit them in the editor. Additionally, the MSEG can also be used to modulate other tracks.


This is what im talking about in this video. The text is transcribed by AI, so it might not be perfect. If you find any mistakes, please let me know.
You can also click on the timestamps to jump to the right part of the video, which should be helpful.

[00:00.000] Hey folks, welcome back.
[00:02.000] Today it's about Bitwig Studio version 5.
[00:04.820] And this is Beta version 1, so some things may change in the future, so keep that in mind.
[00:10.440] And in this video I want to give you a quick rundown of all the new things in Bitwig Studio
[00:14.800] version 5.
[00:16.480] So the first new edition is the browser.
[00:18.960] It completely changed on the right side here, the sidebar browser.
[00:22.080] In fact, the whole sidebar changed or is more compact in a certain way.
[00:28.400] So we have only four icons down here, search, we have projects and we have output monitoring
[00:36.280] and we have mappings.
[00:38.200] So it's only four icons now, so very compact.
[00:40.760] In search here we can just search for stuff, so let's say kick.
[00:45.000] And in the result window on the result list we have only devices, only a fix, not a fix,
[00:52.760] we have also presets, we have clips and samples.
[00:58.320] So everything is combined, there are no more drawers or, you know, the sections between
[01:04.120] the things here, it's just all in one window, very neat.
[01:08.480] On top here we have some filtering options, we can search for everything or only for devices
[01:13.520] or only for presets, only for samples and clips, only in my library or only in my browser.
[01:20.520] You probably want to stay in everything and just search away.
[01:25.080] Then in the search box here we have the smart search option, right?
[01:28.800] It wants to send you to some kind of place.
[01:32.640] Here it wants to send you to the kick category, right?
[01:35.880] So we search for kick and it knows, oh, well, the user wants to have some kicks, so it wants
[01:41.760] to send you to the kick category.
[01:43.520] So we can hit tap on the keyboard and we are in the kick category now, if you search
[01:50.280] for base in the kick category, it wants to send us back to everything.
[01:55.040] So we just hit tap and we are back in everything, right?
[01:59.000] So maybe we can also search for different stuff, set category reward here or so it's a
[02:07.480] smart search, it tries to find out what you want to find, right?
[02:11.480] And it want to send you to the right place in the browser.
[02:16.680] But I probably want to search for stuff here for samples, drum loops or whatever, and
[02:22.760] then find everything here in the result box, which is nice.
[02:27.840] Also we have on top of these four squares now, where we have access to packages we can
[02:33.240] install or update.
[02:37.920] This is my package here, so we can search for stuff also in here.
[02:41.840] We don't need to go into the settings page, we have collections here, we can search by
[02:46.160] kind, also locations, so everything is basically now in the browser, you don't need to leave
[02:53.560] the browser to install or get new content, right?
[02:58.360] So this is the sidebar browser and also the popup browser is new, it works kind of in
[03:04.520] the same way, only the icons here are in different places, we have your instruments, all
[03:10.080] your effects, note effects, plug-ins, user library and my smart search, I can also remove
[03:16.360] this here, like this, so I can search here maybe for kicks, and when I like the result
[03:23.360] list here, I can right click and say, save smart collection, give it a color here, maybe
[03:29.560] yellow, and call it kicks, hit OK, and then we have here on the left side a new icon, where
[03:36.680] we kind of can go back to the same kick search we had before, right?
[03:42.520] Or switch back to everything here and search away.
[03:46.360] On the right side, we have here also some information, so when we click here on bit 8, you
[03:49.960] can see there's a description, entire category and so on, so everything is a bit more compact.
[03:55.880] For me, the main feature is basically that we have now everything just in one list window,
[04:02.200] we don't need to switch between presets, devices and samples and so on, as we had it before
[04:08.760] in Bitwig version 4, so this is my, yeah, that's what I really like on the browser, then
[04:17.560] we have here also these four squares for the packages, so you can install packages also
[04:21.760] for me if you want to, so that's the browser.
[04:25.640] On the side of we have also projects, the project panel is everything about the project,
[04:31.920] we have default settings, which is new, so we can define default settings for the projects,
[04:37.600] here on the clip launcher, also for remote or modulators, some stuff, so I imagine in the
[04:46.240] future we get more options here to define as default options, then we have of course your metadata,
[04:53.760] as before, sections, files, we are using in the project plugins, we are using in the projects,
[05:00.400] so very easy and compact and it's a nice overview of what's happening or what's going on in
[05:06.720] the project, also down here we have the project remote and I'll show you in a minute what this means,
[05:12.960] so let's move on to the track, we have on the track itself now these two paints here,
[05:18.560] and this is basically track modulators, track remotes and global modulators and global remotes,
[05:26.640] okay, so before that if we are using or if we used a polymer here and wanted to use an LFO,
[05:36.880] not only on the polymer itself but also on maybe a node FX or node transpose here, right,
[05:45.440] you have to use some kind of chain device and then we need to put here the two devices into one
[05:52.080] chains, we can use one LFO on the parent device on the parent container and then modulate this
[05:59.920] and this at the same time, right, so with the track modulators we don't need to do that actually,
[06:06.800] we can just leave everything here on the chain itself, I just attach an LFO here and then modulate
[06:15.120] maybe this and this, right, so it's basically like a parent modulate up and only you can use just
[06:22.800] for the track, so you can modulate everything that's below the track, so not only node FX, not only
[06:28.240] devices, also plug-ins, audio effects, whatever, right, everything that's below it, we can also define
[06:36.800] you of course macros, it works exactly the same as these panels on the devices, we can change
[06:44.320] your the wave table position and you can change your also, this node FX, right, change this and we
[06:52.960] can call up your the remotes at a new page and add some remotes to that and yeah, change your
[07:01.040] basically the wave table position and transposing at the same time, so you may ask why do we need
[07:08.560] now here some remotes, right, what's the benefit of that, but the big benefit of these track
[07:14.720] remotes is that they are also show up in the mixer, so if you go to the mixer here and open up this
[07:21.440] panel, you can now see that we have the index in here, so if you basically are a mixing guy or you
[07:29.360] want to give this project to a mixing engineer who has Bitwig, you can define now certain things here,
[07:36.240] remotes for the mixing engineer and he can access them here to maybe tweak an NQ,
[07:42.240] tweak the reverb of whatever you want to tweak, right, and we can here have up to eight remotes,
[07:50.320] you can also limit this to two, or maybe eight, right, so you can access remotes for the track
[07:58.080] in here, just very handy, so back to the arranger here, just delete this, delete remotes,
[08:06.480] delete this too, okay, these are track modulators, then we have project modulators, so we can apply here
[08:14.480] an LFO or add an LFO to the project, cannot only modulate things on the track itself, so maybe
[08:23.440] a modulator here, we can also modulate some things in the chain, we can modulate devices, audio effects,
[08:29.520] plugins, we can also modulate different tracks, right, we can modulate here, the second audio
[08:37.200] track, or maybe when we have here, pull your synth on a different track, we can also modulate
[08:43.520] you with the global modulator, cut off here, right, so pretty useful, pretty mind-blowing actually,
[08:53.120] let's remove this and use your macro, so you can say I want to dial down the volume of this,
[09:02.240] right, and maybe I have a polymer or polygrid here, I also want to dial down here the volume of
[09:10.720] that, so you can use this and you know, just do this, or maybe you have, you want to have this
[09:18.160] quiet and this loud, we turn down the volume here and you increase the volume here,
[09:25.120] so you can switch between two tracks with track faders, which is really handy,
[09:31.520] and we have also remotes, we can create a remote page, we can map this up, so we have the volume
[09:36.000] here, and you can see it shows now up here on the right side in the project panel, in the project
[09:41.840] remotes, so you can see this here all the time when we are maybe in the pulley grid here and
[09:48.720] tweak around in here, we have always here the project remotes in view and can change the
[09:54.960] remotes and have influence over the whole project, or maybe we are doing a live act,
[10:00.960] right, we want to change certain things in the track itself, we can do this here with the project
[10:06.400] and of course you can use multiple pages here, create that at any place,
[10:13.280] how you like it, so modulation 10 times 10, right, it's actually really mind blowing to
[10:22.960] what you can do now with this, also do these remotes on the
[10:29.440] the modulator panel, on the remote panel, you can also have access to that in the mixing panel
[10:36.800] here, on the master, right, you see the master here, we can access this, we can change the volume of
[10:42.880] these two, I actually have to tune this down, right, let's actually do this one,
[10:51.200] so you can implement your small mixing fader if you want to, or whatever you, but whatever comes
[10:57.120] to your mind, okay, so back to that, so these are basically the rack modulator panels and
[11:07.120] global modulator panels, another interesting thing about this global thing here is that you can,
[11:15.120] let's add here a macro, you can change the ppm, and modulate here just this one, right,
[11:25.920] change this over time, and maybe we create here, and just an arpeggiator so it can show you how
[11:36.800] this, how nice this is, let's play this, right, there's this,
[11:48.800] so we change actually the ppm of the track itself with this macro,
[11:59.680] and yes, you can also use an LFO for that, that's not a problem,
[12:06.960] so you can modulate here with the LFO, the ppm, and you can implement your own grooves,
[12:14.800] okay, what's not possible is cross modulation, so when you have two tracks,
[12:25.760] and you want to modulate basically something from here, on here, that's not possible at the moment,
[12:32.480] so you need to use the global modulator for that then, or the global modulators for that,
[12:38.880] but what you can do is you can go to the global panel here to the global modulator,
[12:44.880] and use something like audio rate, and then grab the output of some tracks, and then use that,
[12:52.880] and then go from here to a different track, right, so you have to grab something from track A
[12:59.040] with the audio rate modulator, and then modulate something on track B, so this is possible,
[13:04.480] but you can't go from here to that directly, that's not possible,
[13:11.120] yeah, that's one tropic, maybe it changes over the course of the beta, but
[13:17.360] at the moment it's like that, we have also here new modulators of course, and many people will
[13:25.120] be probably happy about this, because we have now something like a multi-stage envelope generator,
[13:32.960] we have m6, right, looks like this, it's an envelope, it's trick out every time I press a key on the keyboard,
[13:42.160] and there's also here a sustain phase, where we can change how the sustain phase behaves,
[13:49.200] so at the moment here it's on ping-bong, it's on ping-bong actually,
[13:53.760] let me see,
[14:07.360] yeah, I need to sustain it, the voice,
[14:11.280] it's all right, you can see it's going back and forth, but we also have repeats,
[14:16.320] we have hold, it just holds this point here, and then you have one shot,
[14:20.480] you can change how fast you want to play back the envelope, you can see it's one bar,
[14:29.120] so one bar plays basically, when you play one bar here, it's also just playing back the whole
[14:35.440] segment itself, then we have smoothing, we can also have here this editor, or we can open up this
[14:43.280] editor, we can load in different curves, there are already predefined curves, something like this,
[14:49.040] we can change all the things in here, we can draw in directly on the grid, we can change the grid,
[14:56.320] all kinds of ways, and we snap to that, then, we can also have different shapes like this,
[15:06.240] it's very easy to draw and to use, in my opinion, double click is deleting here, we have also
[15:12.720] loops, you can define, and then when you are happy, you can also save this here as a preset,
[15:20.480] save curve to library, it's also possible, we can move this around, we can increase the size,
[15:27.280] we can yeah, scroll, we can resize, so everything is possible, it's very easy to use, we can also
[15:35.600] switch this here to bipolar, right, we have positive and negative values available,
[15:44.960] very nice to use, close this down, so this is a segment, this is basically the
[15:49.600] woody stage envelope generator, then we have also curves, which is the same thing, but it's
[15:57.600] an LFO, so you have like a speed setting here, you can also synchronize this of course,
[16:04.240] and then we have curves, you can draw in here, and then modulate something with it,
[16:11.040] right, send report, it's a crash, it's a beta version, so you can see we have now curves here,
[16:18.480] which is an LFO, and we have your segments, which is an envelope, it works exactly the same way
[16:24.160] as segments, it's basically the same thing, you can also use something like copy curve and
[16:29.200] paste curve, right, so you have this one also here, that's possible, you have also something like
[16:35.200] hold rate, so it stays in one place, and then you have to modulate your basically the face itself
[16:41.760] to change the position, that's also possible, we have smoothing,
[16:48.720] it's able to of course also bipolar setting here, we have also something like pitch,
[16:54.160] so you can play this back at audio rate, or the current pitch you are inputting on your keyboard,
[17:00.720] so when you hold C3, this exactly plays back in the frequency of C3, so you can also use this
[17:07.120] to audio rate modulate stuff here in the synth itself, you can attach a lot of things to synths,
[17:16.560] to basic synths and create crazy sounds with that, so we have this here, so we modulate
[17:24.880] here the cutoff with this, right, and then,
[17:29.280] or maybe you have the index, everything at audio rate,
[17:47.200] right, so this is also possible, then we have segments, that's for the audio,
[18:02.400] this is the envelope, LFO, then we have a wave table oscillator,
[18:07.040] wave table LFO, sorry, we can load in some usual wave tables here,
[18:13.040] and then modulate with this, something with this, the index, right, and then because it's a
[18:18.320] wave table, we can scan through the wave table and change the modulation shape here itself,
[18:25.920] this is also possible, the rest of this stuff is also the same, it's also hold rate here, pitch,
[18:31.360] it's also possible, so if you use this, you can basically attach a wave table oscillator
[18:38.240] to every synth, just with this modulator here, which is crazy, so this is the wave table oscillator,
[18:47.920] then there is something new here, it's called, let me see,
[18:55.680] it's key track plus, it's something we have now, there's also editor here pop up,
[19:01.200] so when we press different keys, right, you can use for different keys, for different settings,
[19:08.400] see a different modulation values, you can apply, it's also new, the old key track is still there,
[19:14.320] it's called relative key track and it misses the opening pane here, it's just removed for some reason,
[19:21.200] but therefore we have here on the left side all these options that we can define,
[19:26.400] I think it's, it's just fine to use it with the left panel here, in my opinion.
[19:33.920] Okay, so these are the news for the modulators, we have all these nice new modulators now,
[19:39.840] which are probably mind blowing for some of you, because so many people want to move the stage
[19:45.440] envelope generators, now we have these, the only drawback of these is that you can't
[19:50.640] modulate these nodes, right, this is basically static, you have to change it manually to change
[19:56.400] these nodes, there's no possibility to modulate this, also what I forgot to mention,
[20:04.320] here in the global modulator pane, we can also modulate not only the BPM, but you can also see
[20:12.080] this one is slightly blue now, we can also modulate basically proof on or off or the fills,
[20:19.360] so we can change the fills with the global modulators if you want to, so this is something I forgot
[20:24.800] to mention, which is, in my opinion, also interesting. Okay, so these things we have also
[20:31.840] integrate itself, so when we go here to polygrid, in here we have wave table oscillator here,
[20:41.520] you can load in wave tables, use it as an LFO, we have now segments, we have curves, slopes,
[20:54.480] and we have scroll, which is a new oscillator, where you can draw in your own shapes, right,
[21:00.000] crazy, right, that's a drawable oscillator, so draw in any shape you want, in any resolution
[21:06.960] you want, and we get the sound out of it, something like this, really nice, slopes here is basically the
[21:14.960] brother of the steps module that we had before, it's still there, oh there's also here an extended
[21:23.600] window, which is new, okay, nice, oh there's also a dice button here now, crazy, but here in the steps
[21:32.560] we only have basically the interpolation, right, which interpolates these values, but here we have
[21:37.920] really a drawable curve or modulation line or whatever you want to call it, and then you can
[21:45.120] use that and modulate something with it, and also here you can save it, you can recall it, you can
[21:51.920] copy and paste, so everything is there, it's really nice, also in here we have a right click, we can
[21:59.520] use transform, fit vertically, normalize or vertically flip double mirror and so on, so we have
[22:06.800] some nice transforming functions also in here, in this editor when you right click on it, I think
[22:12.400] it's also here in the curves, right click transform, yeah nice, so you can use your right click,
[22:18.240] copy, curve, you can paste it here, right, or just go in here and say mirror this content, right,
[22:28.640] copy this, this and paste it here in the oscillator, and so on, so you can do all these kinds of crazy
[22:38.880] things now with these new devices or modulators, and also grid modules, right, which is really nice,
[22:48.720] I also found some new stuff here in the grid, and I say found because I don't have actually the
[22:56.160] development lock, I don't know what changed exactly, I just found this out, so we have now here
[23:03.520] a frequency to pitch and pitch to frequency, so we can convert between nodes and hertz basically,
[23:11.600] and I think there's something new on the math category, we have here roots now and exponents
[23:19.200] for some math operations, which is nice. Okay, so besides these new modules and modulators,
[23:26.080] and that we have now track modulators and global modulators, which is really crazy,
[23:34.240] we also have some clip launching options here, so when you have clip, and click on it,
[23:39.200] on the left side we have here still the next action, which we know already for version 4,
[23:44.240] but now it's a bit easier to use, in my opinion, we have also here this multiplier,
[23:49.520] instead of using here this yet time unit, we just say after this clip played five times,
[24:00.960] lay the next clip, something like this, right, you also have here now available the launch
[24:08.960] quantization, when something, yeah, when the clip launches, when you actually hit play,
[24:14.160] you can change this, and in here in this list you have now this use project settings option,
[24:20.160] which means we can now use basically what we dialed in for a project in here, right, so when we
[24:26.240] change this here, it automatically is used in all kinds of places where we dialed in use project
[24:34.080] settings, so this is also now global, and I guess we get in some of the next versions in some of
[24:41.040] the next updates, we get a lot of new options here where we can dial in some defaults for some
[24:47.600] devices, for some modulators, for some crib things in here, and we can just grab the value
[24:55.440] or the settings from this panel, which would be really nice to have, so the clip launcher also
[25:02.800] got here these nice new options now, launch quantization, play mode, you can change in here,
[25:09.920] trigger from start, legato from clip or start, on release, what happens when you release the key
[25:17.200] or release the clip, and also an alternative setting here, which you can change, but I'm not sure how
[25:26.240] this is meant to be used actually, you can switch here between main and alt here,
[25:35.840] but why do you have alt also in here, alternative in here, I have no idea,
[25:42.800] oh yes for sure, because we have now this new oscillator, this oscillator is of course also
[25:49.120] available here in polymer, you can just select your scroll, and choose it in here basically,
[25:59.440] define something, and then you can play with it,
[26:03.200] so it's an oscillator and you can draw in your own shape, sadly there's no unison,
[26:22.160] and there's also no, something like wave table where you can move between different
[26:28.240] curves here, I guess we maybe get something in some of the next updates, something like this,
[26:34.800] would be nice to have actually a wave table editor in this style, where we can draw in multiple
[26:41.840] shapes, and then can move between these shapes, and then save it here as a wave table then,
[26:47.600] this would be nice to have, but for me actually using chorus plus, it's also just fine,
[26:56.480] using here the 8 voices option,
[27:02.880] it also sounds nice in my opinion, and we can also change it a different
[27:07.280] the offset from the left to the right oscillator,
[27:15.440] and we can apply now the wave table oscillator here, use some kind of wave
[27:21.920] wave, this one here, with this to pitch, and then modulate something with that,
[27:32.240] okay so there's a lot of new stuff in the new bitwig version, and I created your justice project
[27:37.600] from scratch just to show you some examples what you can do with that,
[27:42.080] at first we have here a drum group, which is interesting because now everything below the drum
[27:48.480] also gets an additional modulator panel called drums, so you can attach modulators to the drum
[27:54.880] group itself, right, create your macro, and then modulate everything that's below the drums group,
[28:01.360] as you can see here, we get blue lines, or like a blue highlighting here on the kick and the
[28:07.120] clap in E-Hat, but not on these other channels because they are outside of the scope of drums,
[28:14.000] so you can pull down your heads and claps, right, can modulate us, and we only have this drum
[28:22.880] panel here basically on below of the drums, if we group this up again,
[28:29.440] we call this here maybe all, we have inside kick now here all drums, e-kick, right,
[28:34.880] and you can everywhere you can attach modulators now, so on the track itself, on the bus,
[28:41.040] on the parent bus, and also on the global project, so everywhere, and everything is modulatable,
[28:48.400] that's below that, so that's really nice to have, so let's track this out here again, and
[28:57.200] meet all, then here on the drums bus itself, I also used an fx grid to create some kind of
[29:05.680] glitch sound, and basically we created the fx studio crossbeat time thing, I'm modulating here
[29:13.920] with this curve, maybe let's draw on here, something diagonal,
[29:21.120] right, so you can change the playback time, it's more like a turn table,
[29:40.640] you can change the playback speed here by just modulating the time offset of this,
[29:45.520] we can recreate fx studios crossbeat just with these two modules in some kind of way,
[29:52.080] but that's what I did here, and then I mixed it back with the original dry drums,
[29:59.840] just have some nice interesting percussion sounds in the background,
[30:04.960] then I used here of course the project remote, so I can, let's see, I can bring in the music or
[30:17.360] dial it down, I can change the tempo of the project, I can increase the chance of certain elements
[30:30.000] being played, because I'm modulating here on the kick, for instance, here a humanized note fx,
[30:37.760] where I dialed down basically the chance, so certain drum kicks are not being played at all,
[30:43.280] or played all the time, so you can change this here with the chance thing, then also velocity
[30:48.400] sensitivity, as you can see it changes here on the drums, it also changes that on the hats,
[30:54.720] the right, if you pull down velocity sensitivity to zero, everything is at the same velocity,
[31:01.120] and if you pull this up, all the velocities are more further apart, so you have more dynamic,
[31:07.680] and you can fluidly move between the two settings, if also you have the density of the hats,
[31:14.160] the note repeater, right, only if you want to have two high hats being played here,
[31:19.600] you know, a lidian mode,
[31:26.880] so I want to increase your how many high hats I want to have, and also change the accents,
[31:36.160] so this is just an example how you can perform basically your track, or your clips that are
[31:43.280] currently playing, you can map these settings all to note fx devices, and then just tweak away,
[31:50.240] and you know, it reduces instruments, it tones down volumes, or changes EQ settings,
[31:57.840] it modulates certain things differently over time, so you can change all these settings just
[32:03.200] with a few remotes here, and kind of perform your track, or your project, which is probably something
[32:11.840] I want to do in the future more and more, and I also give you, of course, tutorials about this,
[32:18.960] how I use this, and what I come up with, best use cases, best practices, and so on,
[32:27.360] then you have here this polymer playing a sound, I use here a scroll,
[32:32.880] um oscillator, I draw it in my own wave form basically,
[32:39.520] play this, I also use your wave table LFO, audio rate modulate here basically the filter with this,
[32:47.120] and I change the index setting here with the random modulator,
[32:53.440] so it gives this kind of distorted sound, and I change the pitch,
[32:58.400] so you can see here, and I'm using here basically this LFO, this crops modulator for that,
[33:07.200] and I'm modulating exactly by 28 this pitch here, because I'm using 8 by,
[33:15.920] I don't know what I used, 7, yeah, 7 by 8 equals 28, because I want to have every step here,
[33:24.080] of this, I want to have 7 semi tones, so this is basically one semi tone higher than the original
[33:30.800] pitch, two times 7 semi tones higher, and so on, so 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, up, right, or 7 down, 7 down,
[33:39.760] and because this is here, snap the grid, it's pretty easy to draw this in, to get the nice,
[33:45.680] interesting, yeah, pitch change over time, and because this is crops, we can also draw in here some,
[33:54.320] yeah, diagonal lines, to get some glides in there,
[34:07.200] maybe we move this here, yeah, select everything, yeah,
[34:17.840] so you can come up with interesting patterns, not only just with notes, just with this LFOA,
[34:28.640] by drawing in some interesting shapes, and modulate the pitch, so remember that modulate
[34:36.800] here the pitch by 28, then dial in here, particularly 8 grid, it bits 8 segments grid,
[34:47.360] and then you have 7 semi tones, basically you can move your up or down, which is nice,
[34:56.320] also here there's a add sound on that, I'm using corals, to have some nice unison, also,
[35:03.440] Valala delay, but here I'm using the crops to bring in the filter,
[35:10.720] and also I think I changed here the pace modulation, to get some interesting, an interesting riff
[35:17.760] out of this, if I disable all these modulators here, it's just a, you know, boring sound,
[35:34.320] so a lot of options, new features in Bitwig studio version 5, I hope you have a lot of fun with this,
[35:51.280] I probably also do a live stream where I fiddle around, and you know, experiment, and
[35:56.960] answer some questions or stuff like this, or where you can just hang out, and you know,
[36:03.440] talk to me, but that's it for this video, I want to just give you a small overview of this,
[36:10.240] and a lot of tutorials are following, probably on this channel, also on the Bitwig guides channel,
[36:16.720] in depth videos, and yeah, I hope you have fun with Bitwig version 5, thanks for watching,
[36:23.520] and see you in the next video, bye!
[36:33.360] you