Tags: posts polarity-music Bitwig Bitwig-5.2.2 Drum-and-Bass Poly-Grid Tutorial Preset

Bass Sound Generator for Bitwig

Tutorial | Aug 29, 2024

In this video, I introduce a preset called Bass Sound Generator that generates a new bass sound every time a key is pressed on a MIDI keyboard. I demonstrate how to create random Bass sound patterns and add drums to create variety in the track. The preset is available for download on my Patreon page.

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In this video, I created a Bitwig preset called "Bass Sound Generator," which generates a new bass sound every time a key is pressed. I showcased how this preset works, the setup involved, and how to use it creatively in your tracks. The idea is to record the generated sounds, select parts you like, and create patterns for more musicality and groove. The preset is available for download on my Patreon.

Questions & Answers

Maybe you don't watch the video, here are some important takeaways:

What is the preset called Bass sound Generator and how does it work?

The Bass sound Generator preset is a tool that generates a new Bass sound or bass sound every time a key is pressed on a MIDI keyboard. It utilizes a Bitwig Grid preset, Wavetable FM, filtering, PostFX devices, and other effects to create unique and randomized bass sounds.

How can I use the Bass sound Generator to create interesting bass patterns?

By pressing different keys on the MIDI keyboard, you can generate random notes or bass sounds, creating interesting and varied Bass sound patterns. You can then add drums to these patterns to enhance the overall sound. To make it more cohesive and listenable, it's recommended to record the patterns into audio tracks and repeat certain parts.

How can I create more variety in my tracks using the Bass sound Generator?

To create more variety in your tracks, you can select different bass sounds from different parts of the recorded patterns. This can be done by repeating certain sections or combining different parts together. Additionally, you can layer other sounds, use different effects, or experiment with transitioning sounds to add more depth and interest to your compositions.

Where can I download the Bass sound Generator preset?

The Bass sound Generator preset is available for download on my Patreon page. It can be found on the second lowest tier of membership. The link to the Patreon page can be found in the video's description.


This is what im talking about in this video. The text is transcribed by AI, so it might not be perfect. If you find any mistakes, please let me know.
You can also click on the timestamps to jump to the right part of the video, which should be helpful.

[00:00:00] Yo folks, welcome back to another video.
[00:00:03] Today it's about this preset here called Bass sound Generator and I already teased this on my
[00:00:08] social channels like Threads and Instagram.
[00:00:13] And this one, this preset generates a new Bass sound or a new bass sound every time you
[00:00:19] press a key.
[00:00:20] So here I'm using my MIDI keyboard and I just press here F#.
[00:00:24] You get this and then I press it again.
[00:00:31] I get this and again.
[00:00:41] So I get the Bass sound or different bass sound every time I press the key.
[00:00:45] So this was my idea.
[00:00:48] And I did this here.
[00:00:49] Here I implemented the this in Bitwig with the grid preset, just some Wavetable FM magic
[00:00:57] set up here.
[00:00:58] Nothing complicated, too complicated.
[00:01:00] Then a lot of filtering here.
[00:01:02] Also PostFX, a lot of PostFX devices also filters here, a bit of reverb, then band splitting,
[00:01:13] random EQ settings, then here leveling and also some of my own presets here, the auto
[00:01:19] level presets just to make everything loud and punchy.
[00:01:22] So this was the intention.
[00:01:24] And it works fairly well.
[00:01:26] So what I did then was to create here some kind of random Bass sound patterns with notes.
[00:01:34] You can see in here that's a pretty simple note pattern.
[00:01:42] And every time I play some of these keys, I get a random note or random bass sound.
[00:01:49] This is how it sounds here.
[00:02:02] So you get some kind of Bass sound pattern with this because every note has different sounds.
[00:02:07] So it kind of sounds interesting.
[00:02:10] And then you add some drums to it.
[00:02:12] It sounds like this.
[00:02:28] So this is a bit wild because the change-ups are too much.
[00:02:34] You add every time you have a different sound.
[00:02:37] So what you can do with this then is you record it to audio, like down here.
[00:02:43] So I record it here, maybe the first part or something I like from these patterns.
[00:02:48] So I just hit record and record and record.
[00:02:51] And then when I stumble upon some kind of pattern I like, I just repeat it here because
[00:02:57] you need repetition when you want to have some kind of repetition or when you want to
[00:03:03] make it actually listenable.
[00:03:05] So here I just selected a part of it and it sounds like this.
[00:03:23] So it's kind of makes sense.
[00:03:25] It's a pattern.
[00:03:26] It's a repeating pattern and you kind of feel the groove and it's kind of rocking.
[00:03:32] But when you go into this recording here, you look into that, you can see I just selected
[00:03:37] here a part of a longer recording.
[00:03:40] So there are a lot of different sounds in here because I just hit record like I said
[00:03:45] before.
[00:03:46] I hit record and record multiple things and you just select the part you like.
[00:03:48] So I can also move this to over here.
[00:03:50] So now it sounds like this.
[00:04:00] So it's also nice.
[00:04:02] But you can also do something like this.
[00:04:04] So you repeat the first pattern and then you go here on the last pattern and then you choose
[00:04:10] maybe a different part here.
[00:04:12] So now it sounds like this.
[00:04:25] So we can create more variety in your track with this and just select or can select different
[00:04:34] sounds from different parts of the recording and make it more interesting over time.
[00:04:40] So here I did this with multiple different drum loops.
[00:04:45] I just generated a bunch of sounds here with this.
[00:04:48] You can see this on top here.
[00:05:14] But like I said, this is too wild.
[00:05:16] It's too much change.
[00:05:17] So it's always better to record this here into audio tracks and then just repeat parts.
[00:05:46] Okay, so I think you get the idea.
[00:06:09] It's just a random bass sound generator and all you need to do is to add a drum loop or
[00:06:14] you add your own drums to it and create some kind of basic note pattern down here.
[00:06:22] So we can also repeat this here.
[00:06:25] I just load it in your random drum loop.
[00:06:34] Something like this.
[00:06:35] I think that's actually not the right BPM here.
[00:06:38] Let me see.
[00:06:39] This is 174.
[00:06:40] Then you have to do this like this.
[00:06:53] That's cool.
[00:06:54] And now we create a new clip and then we select something down here.
[00:07:02] You also need to select the bass generator out.
[00:07:10] So I'm selecting a bass generator and then generator out, which is this preset or this
[00:07:16] device here.
[00:07:17] Then you have to record.
[00:07:18] So this is too high.
[00:07:23] This is better.
[00:07:26] Let's make this a bit longer.
[00:07:33] Something like this.
[00:07:37] So we can do something like this and then maybe the end here.
[00:07:46] Something like this.
[00:07:52] Okay.
[00:07:53] Then we just record this here.
[00:08:00] Actually I want to record here.
[00:08:03] Oh, there's a pre-roll here.
[00:08:11] And I don't want to record this.
[00:08:31] So you get to an audio track or maybe you'll let us record for multiple takes.
[00:08:48] So you get this here and you can use then just a part of it.
[00:09:07] Something like this and then repeat it multiple times.
[00:09:12] At the end we make it a bit different.
[00:09:36] Right?
[00:09:37] So you can create patterns with this.
[00:09:38] Of course you have to add more effects, maybe transitioning sounds and so on.
[00:09:43] It's just generating the bass sounds.
[00:09:47] But sometimes with these drum bass tracks, some of the steps and lead sounds and so on
[00:09:55] are also generated in the same way as you do with the bass sounds.
[00:10:00] So you can put this just on higher octaves here, right?
[00:10:06] Something up here or here and then add some kind of low cut and you also get step sounds
[00:10:11] from it if you want to.
[00:10:26] So you not only can use it to generate bass sounds, you can also use it for lead sounds
[00:10:31] or step sounds or put some additional processing on it and use it for whatever FX sound or
[00:10:39] reverse the sounds and put it into your arrangement.
[00:10:42] So you can use it more like a general random sound generator for these kind of bass genres
[00:10:50] or bass music genres and it's kind of great.
[00:10:55] I really enjoy creating these kind of devices and yeah, discover new sounds and patterns
[00:11:01] this way.
[00:11:03] So this is my first kind of bass line generator I made for Patreon.
[00:11:08] I probably do some more because I have some additional ideas.
[00:11:12] This was just a test run.
[00:11:15] Also have some drums generators in preparation.
[00:11:19] They are not finished yet.
[00:11:22] So my aim is to kind of generate drum sounds on the fly.
[00:11:27] So you can also pump out random drum loops for drum bass and dubstep and so on.
[00:11:34] But that's just for the future.
[00:11:35] So if you want to download this, this is on my Patreon.
[00:11:38] I put it on the kind of second lowest tier if you want to download this.
[00:11:44] So yeah, link is in the description below.
[00:11:46] Leave a like, leave a comment and leave some questions if you have one and I hope you enjoy
[00:11:51] it.
[00:11:52] Thanks for watching and see you in the next video.
[00:11:53] Bye.