Posts tagged with Poly-Grid
Here you can find a listing of all posts with the tag Poly-Grid on my page.
Jan 20, 2025 Tutorial
In this video, I explain how the order and rhythm of overtones are crucial in determining whether a sound is perceived as a single note or a chord. By using devices like the comb filter, we can manipulate and organize overtones to create harmonious sounds when playing chords. I demonstrate various techniques for improving sound quality and harmony, especially when using noise samples and synthesizers, and show how these approaches can lead to better-sounding pads and textures.
Jan 05, 2025 Bitwig Guide
Sometimes you create a generative, self-running Grid patch and want it to stop or play at specific times. Here are some solutions to stop the grid from playing or stop the audio output with gate informations from the piano roll or the transport module.
Dec 09, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I explore the new Stepwise sequencer and modules in Bitwig Studio 5.3, showing how they simplify creating polyrhythms and polymeters within the Grid environment. I demonstrate how to manipulate sequence parameters like loop length, step offset, and playback speed, using features like voice stacking and stereo signal processing to create complex and unique sequences. I'm excited to see how these updates enhance creative possibilities and invite you to share your thoughts and questions in the comments.
Dec 05, 2024 Tutorial
In my recent video, I highlighted the new features and improvements in Bitwig Studio's 5.3 Beta 2, including a dedicated Frequency Shifter Plus device and updates to the stepwise feature. I also discussed enhancements to the bounce workflow, offering more customizable audio bounce options. Overall, the update brings some great additional features, improvements, and fixes that enhance the user experience.
Oct 25, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrated how to create feedback loops in Bitwig Studio's grid using noise sources, delay, and auto gain to maintain stable levels and explore unique soundscapes. I showed how to incorporate various effects, such as phasers and filters, within the loop to alter the sound while using post-effects like reverb and pitch correction for additional texture. I've also included a downloadable setup for you to try out and experiment with the techniques discussed.
Oct 17, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate how to create interesting descending and ascending pitch sequences in Bitwig Studio's grid by using modules like pitch bus, octave wrapper, and pitch quantizer. I explain how to maintain pitches within a specific octave, use the transport module for polyrhythmic structures, and combine multiple sequences with different parameters. You can find the patch linked in the description to explore these concepts further.
Aug 29, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I introduce a preset called Bass Sound Generator that generates a new bass sound every time a key is pressed on a MIDI keyboard. I demonstrate how to create random Bass sound patterns and add drums to create variety in the track. The preset is available for download on my Patreon page.
Jul 29, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I recreated the Subharmonicon synthesizer in Bitwig Studio. The layout consists of two main oscillators with sub ratio knobs for dividing the frequency. There is also a mixing section, routing panel, and pulley rhythms for creating unique sequences.
Jul 22, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I create a generative patch using a Poly-Grid instrument track in monophonic mode. I experiment with feedback for pitch generation and incorporate audio pitch modulation. I add various effects like delay, chorus, filter, and reverb to shape the sound, and create a complex and evolving composition.
Jul 12, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I showcase my recreation of the Moog synthesizer called Labyrinth inside of Bitwig Studio. I explain the different sections and features of the synthesizer, including the oscillators, mixing section, wave folder, filters, routing options, VCA, and more. I also mention that I might implement a corrupt feature in the future to randomize the sequences, but for now, the preset can be downloaded for free.
Jul 01, 2024 Tutorial
Sure! In this video, I explored how to utilize voice stacking in Bitwig to create complex modulations and sounds. By extracting values from different voice stacks and cross-modulating them, I demonstrated how to achieve interesting and unique sonic results. Although it may not be the most practical approach, the possibilities for experimentation and creativity are vast.
Jun 19, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I introduced my Markov Chains preset, which is a melody generator based on probabilities. I explained how it works and how I coded it using information from the Hook Theory website. I demonstrated how to create an ambient drone sound using the preset and additional modulations and effects.
May 22, 2024 Tutorial
In today's video, I show a trick for using the segments module in the grid. By misusing the modules and drawing in waveforms, you can create unique sounds like kick drums and percussion. This method allows for persistence and the ability to save presets, making it a versatile tool within the grid.
May 02, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I discuss the All-Pass filter module in Bitwig Studio 5.2. While it may not seem like much, this module is actually quite powerful as it allows for phase shifting at specific frequencies without altering the frequency content. This module can be used for tasks such as phase aligning sounds or creating custom filters within the Bitwig Grid.
Apr 12, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I discovered a new technique for creating kick drums inside Bitwig's grid. By modulating the phase input of a sine oscillator with an AD signal and multiplying it by -10, the kick drum's tail end stays in place even when changing the pitch envelope. This allows for easy alignment with bass sounds and provides fast control over the attack phase of the kick drum.
Mar 18, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I start from scratch in Bitwig Studio to create a nice sounding loop using special techniques. I use the Poly-Grid to create background drones with sine oscillators and phase modulation for interesting overtones. I then sample these sounds and use them in a sampler, add effects, and create percussion elements to complete the loop.
Jan 18, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate a generative techno patch using a sequencer and various modules. The patch allows for the creation of unique kick drums, melodies, and snare sounds while keeping the hi-hats consistent. I also explain how I used modulation and filtering techniques to add variety and create different sounds for each iteration of the track.
Jan 08, 2024 Tutorial
In the video, I demonstrate how to visualize the behavior of different filters using a spectrum analyzer in the Bitwig Grid. By modulating a sine oscillator and applying various filters such as the comp filter and fizz filter, viewers can observe the changes in the frequency domain. This visual representation provides a helpful way to understand the effects of these filters even without deep knowledge of their underlying theory.
Dec 06, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate how to create a simple yet powerful additive synthesizer using Bitwig Studio 5.1. By utilizing the new voice stacking feature, which allows up to 16 voices, I show how to create unique and dynamic sounds by manipulating parameters such as pitch, volume, decay, phase, and even velocity. With the ability to save presets, this versatile synthesizer is perfect for producing a wide range of sounds, from bell-like tones to pad sounds with the help of effects like reverb and resonators.
Nov 29, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate a specific feature of the grid where every signal inside is a stereo signal, allowing for interesting possibilities. By using the stereo split and merge modules, I show how to split a stereo signal into two mono signals, change their pitches independently, and then recombine them. This feature can be used not only for audio signals but also for pitch, gate, and phase signals, greatly expanding the creative possibilities of the patch.
Nov 28, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I create a generative ambient patch from scratch using Bitwig Studio. I start by creating a drone sound using polygrid and adding pitch modulation to create different pitches on the left and right sides. I then add effects like chorus and filters to add depth and modulation to the sound.
May 11, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I explain how to make a physical modeling synth in the Reason software. Physical modeling is a way of replicating real-world objects in a synth by modeling their resonances and frequencies. To start building the physical modeling synth, we need to introduce an exciter and use multiple bandpass filters. The resonance frequency of objects is specific to their material, and the frequencies of the overtone change with time. We need to introduce envelopes for each overtone that changes over time. We can use multiple partials and tune the frequencies of the bandpass filters to replicate specific objects' resonances. Loudness is also crucial, and we can use multiple envelopes for each harmonic. We can use a comp filter or use a ratio knob to target specific harmonics. Alternatively, we can introduce all harmonics and remove the ones we don't want. It's an intricate process, but the result is worth the effort.
Apr 21, 2022 Tutorial
In this video, I discussed how to approach the Bitwig's grid differently. I explained how to use the filter as an oscillator, how to create kick drums with it, and how to deform envelope signals with a phase signal module. I emphasized that knowledge alone is not everything and that categories can be a barrier to further progress. I encouraged viewers to practice every day, to challenge themselves, and to think of small tasks to complete.
Apr 19, 2020 Tutorial
In this video, I give an overview of the new features and additions to Bitwig Studio 3.2 beta. The biggest addition is the new EQ Plus device, which allows for easy EQ adjustments without the need to open a new window. Other additions include a new spectrum analyzer with a customizable slope, a saturator with an expander feature, and new options for selector devices. The arpeggiator and polygrid also have new features, such as randomized starting offsets and an interpolation option. Additionally, there is a new module called the array, which allows users to store and retrieve values at specific indexes. Overall, the new features are useful and enhance the flexibility of Bitwig Studio.
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