Creating a DIY Physical Modeling Synth in Reason Grid #
May 11, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I explain how to make a physical modeling synth in the Reason software. Physical modeling is a way of replicating real-world objects in a synth by modeling their resonances and frequencies. To start building the physical modeling synth, we need to introduce an exciter and use multiple bandpass filters. The resonance frequency of objects is specific to their material, and the frequencies of the overtone change with time. We need to introduce envelopes for each overtone that changes over time. We can use multiple partials and tune the frequencies of the bandpass filters to replicate specific objects' resonances. Loudness is also crucial, and we can use multiple envelopes for each harmonic. We can use a comp filter or use a ratio knob to target specific harmonics. Alternatively, we can introduce all harmonics and remove the ones we don't want. It's an intricate process, but the result is worth the effort.