Posts tagged with Chords

Here you can find a listing of all posts with the tag Chords on my page.

Global Chord Track in Bitwig

Dec 19, 2023 Tutorial
In yesterday's video, I created a dynamic global transpositioning tool for Bitwig. In today's video, I created a global chord track using a synthesizer and a note clip. By using the note grid and the global chord track, I was able to automatically correct the pitch of my piano solo and create a bass line that followed the chord progression.

Interactive Piano Chords & Shared Notes

Sep 07, 2023 Webtool
Welcome to Interactive Piano Chords! This web app allows you to explore various piano chords, visualize them on a virtual keyboard, and even hear how they sound. Click on a chord from the list to highlight its notes on the keyboard and play its sound. You can also see how many notes each chord shares with the currently highlighted chord. Enjoy your musical journey!

Drum and Bass like Halogenix, Skeptical, Alix Perez in Bitwig Tutorial

Aug 16, 2023 Tutorial
Discover the art of crafting drum & bass in Bitwig. In this tutorial, we delve into setting the pace at 170 BPM, a typical drum & bass speed, and explore the intricacies of loop creation. We also introduce a custom grid patch named 'Drum & Bass Drums' and demonstrate its sound dynamics. While the patch is available on Patreon, alternatives like random drum bass loop wave files can also be used. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of modulation, the use of different synthesizers for unique bass sounds, and the strategy of building an arrangement progressively. By the end, with minimal compression and limiting, we achieve a deep roller track that's loud and clear. For those interested, the drum preset will be available on Patreon, and there's a possibility of a full track release on Bandcamp in the future.

The Power of Intervals: Understanding Melodies, Chords, and Scale Highlighting Features

Aug 07, 2023 Tutorial
In today's video, I want to discuss melodies, chords, and scale highlighting features. Somebody commented on my previous video about using a note grid that emits random melodies and modifying it with a key filter to accommodate those who are less familiar with music theory. However, I believe this approach is not feasible because the scale highlighting feature in Ableton Live, for example, can be misleading. When you select the scale feature in Ableton Live, it highlights certain notes in green. For C major, all the white keys are highlighted. However, it also selects other scales and modes such as D Dorian, E Phrygian, and so on.

Discovering Chords with Bitwig Studio's Ratio Setting

Jan 25, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I talk about the ratio setting feature in Bitwig Studio, and how it can be used to create interesting melodies and chords. I explain how it works and how to use it to create chords by modulating simple ratios. I also discuss how to use the ratio setting with equal temperament, just intonation, and how to use the pitch quantizer to correct the frequency. Finally, I demonstrate how to use the ratio setting to create chord progressions and scales that sound pleasing to the ear.

Misha Clone - Eurorack-Inspired Sequencer in Bitwig

Jan 24, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I'm going to explain how I recreated the Eurorack module by Eventide called Misha in Bitwig Studio. I'll explain how it works, how to download the patch, and how to recreate it from this video. I'll also demonstrate how to use the keyboard, trigger buttons, and sequencer to control it. Finally, I'll show you how to transpose and use the key filter to create different scales. So, stay tuned and I'll show you how to make your own Misha clone!

Creating Jazzy Chord Progressions in Bitwig Studio

Aug 23, 2022 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate a simple trick to create a modal chord progression in Bitwig Studio. By stacking major chords and using a multi-note, I'm able to create a jazzy, yet smooth chord progression that is not in a set scale. I then use a note wrap preset to create an auto-inversion effect, and use a pitch quantizer to ensure that the notes fit the chords. To add to the jazzy feel of the track, I use a polysynth with a channel filter to create a bass line, and an arpeggiator with note repeat for a more interesting melody.

Creating Chord Progressions with the Circle of Fifths in Bitwig Studio

Mar 23, 2022 Tutorial
In this video, I show how to use the Circle of Fifths in Bitwig Studio's Note Grid to create interesting and complex chord progressions. I demonstrate how to set up the Note Grid, activate trigger buttons to send out the chords, and adjust the settings such as adding a seventh or ninth to get different chord variations. I also show how to record the chord progressions in an instrument track. Finally, I explain why this device is useful for those who don't know how to play the piano and how it can be used to jam with a rhythm to create interesting chord progressions.

Creating Dynamic Non-Diatonic Chord Progressions with Bitwig Studio

Mar 15, 2022 Tutorial
In this video, I show how to create non-diatonic chord progressions that rotate around the circle of fifths with the help of the note grid in Bitwig Studio. I also explain how to follow this workflow to create bass lines and melody lines. I demonstrate how to use the pitch signal and multiply it with seven to get nice patterns. I also explain how to use the note wrap tool to keep the notes within a certain octave range. Finally, I demonstrate how to use a polysend and note quantizer to make sure the notes fit the chords.

Exploring the New Note Grid in Bitwig 4.2: Tips and Tricks

Feb 16, 2022 Tutorial
In this video, I discuss the new Note Grid device in Bitwig Studio 4.2 and how it can be used to create interesting patterns and chord progressions. I explain how the Note Grid is similar to the Poly Grid and FX Grid devices, but is specifically dedicated to node functions. I demonstrate how to use the Note Grid to create polyphonic and monophonic sounds as well as how to use it to harmonize with a chord track. Finally, I demonstrate how to use the Note Grid to target individual notes and transpose them.

Review of VA Productions Ports Chord Progression Tool

Jan 18, 2022 Tutorial
In this video, I reviewed the court version tool called Ports by VA Productions. I tried out the demo version and gave my impressions of it. I found that it was a nice starting point for inexperienced producers like myself, as it has a pool of chord shapes to select from. However, I found that it was largely a trial-and-error based plugin, with no real guide for constructing a good chord progression. I also noted that you can't see which notes are overlapping with the next chord, and that it would be nice to have a feature that lets you control the rhythm of the chord progression. In conclusion, I found Ports to be a useful tool, but it could benefit from some additional features.

Creating Unique Chord Progressions with NoteFX in Bitwig Studio

Dec 20, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I showed some ways to create court versions with the NoteFX devices of Bitwig Studio. I demonstrated how to use the diatonic transpose to bring chords to a certain scale, and how to use the octave wrapper to move notes within an octave range. I also showed how to use the multi note to create chords with different amounts of modulation and how to mix major and minor chords together. Finally, I showed how to use a macro knob to create inversions with one knob.

How to Create Non-Diatonic Chord Progressions with the Diatronic Transposer

Dec 15, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I share some tips and tricks for using the diatronic transposer in Bitwig Studio to create jazzy chord progressions. I show how to use a multi note device in combination with a key filter and transposer to create a chord brush. I also demonstrate how to use a pitch 12 to modulate multi notes between major and minor chords. Lastly, I show how to create chord gradients by stacking notes in seven semitone steps.

Using Bitwig Studio 4.1 Note FX Devices: Ripple, Ricochet, Quantize, Band, Note Repeats and More

Nov 05, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I explored the new Bitwig Studio 4.1 Note-FX devices, including Ripple, Ricochet, Quantize, Randomize, Band, Note Repeat, and Sampler Release. I showed how to use them to create interesting rhythms, textures and soundscapes, as well as to constrain notes to a specific scale. I demonstrated how to use the devices to transform simple note clips into complex and expressive rhythms and melodies.

Creating a Chord Progression Tool in Bitwig Studio

Oct 20, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrated how to create a code progression tool or preset inside Bitwig Studio. I explained step-by-step how to create quads, change the relationships between notes, introduce rhythmic elements, apply swing and groove, route notes to different instruments, bounce MIDI clips, and tweak further. I also showed how the Poly-Grid device works and how it can interact with VST instruments, synthesizers and external hardware. Finally, I introduced some tips such as using attinuates to scale down the pitch range, creating chromatic chords, quantizing the rhythm with sample and holds, and using a macro knob to change the scale from the outside.

Insta-Composer: Generate Chords easily

Oct 11, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I explored the Insta Composer plugin and showed how it can be used to generate generic music for background music, streaming, and other projects. I demonstrated how to tweak parameters like chords, scale, population, and key. I also explored how to use the plugin inside Bitwig and how to export the generated music.

Generating Melodic Patterns with Bitwig Studio's Random Melody Preset

May 17, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I showed how to create a random melody preset in Bitwig Studio. I demonstrated how to use the Polygrid to generate notes and how to use a NoteFX layer to combine different synths and effects. I also showed how to change the scale and the length of the melody, as well as how to record it into a note clip. Finally, I discussed how to use the Euclidean rhythms generator to create shuffling rhythms.

Combining Sub-Patterns for Generative Music in Bitwig

May 04, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I show how I combine sub-patterns to create a larger generative pattern. I demonstrate how to use the probability module in Bitwig Studio, and how to combine different sequences in a meaningful way. I also show how to use a sample and hold module, a transport playing module, and a compare function to create a trigger signal to reset the chance module. This technique can be used to create generative drum patterns, and it is a great way to exclude what you don't want and focus on what you do want in your track.

How to Synchronize Loop Length with Song Tempo in Bitwig Studio

Apr 27, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrated an easy workflow to define the loop length inside a sample in Bitwig Studio. This can be helpful when you want to synchronize the loop length with your song tempo. I showed how to copy the length of a region to the loop length, as well as how to subdivide the loop length using the quantizer. Finally, I mentioned that it is important to change the loop length on the beat grid in order to avoid any timing issues.

Playing the Piano with a Quantized Input in Bitwig Studio

Feb 18, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I showed how to use Bitvic Studio to play the piano like a pro. I demonstrated how to set up the instrument tracks and use the quantized input preset to synchronize the MIDI input with a 16th grid. I also showed how to record the quantized input so you can create interesting rhythms and melody lines. Lastly, I mentioned that this setup only works for monophonic MIDI input.

How to Side-Chain in Bitwig Studio: 4 Different Methods Explained

Jan 13, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I showed how easy it is to side chain in Bitwig Studio. I demonstrated four different methods of side chaining, which include using a compressor plug-in, an audio sidechain modulator, a note sidechain, and an EQ plug-in. I also showed how to use the sidechain FX box to apply audio effects to the sidechain signal before it hits the analyzer. Lastly, I showed how to use the transient control to amplify or reduce the attack and sustain phases of a signal using a sidechain signal. Side chaining is not only for reducing the volume of a bass sound, it can be used for many creative effects.

Create a Melody Maker Inside Bitwig Studio with the Grid

Dec 21, 2020 Tutorial
In this video, I showed how to build a melody maker in Bitwig Studio and the Grid. I demonstrated how to use a pitch module, select, max min and probability selector and combined them together to build a melody maker. I also showed how to use a sample and hold, ADSR, face input, scaler, mirror and band, and a recorder to add groove and repetition to the melody. Finally, I showed how to use a clock one ties to synchronize the melody to the beat grid.

Exploring New Features of Bitwig Studio 3.2: Tips and Ideas for Music Production and Sound Design.

Apr 24, 2020 Tutorial
In this video, I share some tips and ideas on how to use the new features in Bitwig Studio 3.2. I show how to create a bassline using the new arpeggiator and expression modulator, how to create layered instruments with instrument selectors and round-robin, and how to create evolving chords with note FX selector, arpeggiator, and diatonic transposer. I also demonstrate how to create sounds with Poly-Grid, create a reverb effect that only activates when the key is released, and how to create a strumming effect with note delay. These new features offer a lot of possibilities for sound design and creating patterns and chord structures. Using my code "polarity" in the shop can save you 10% on the price while supporting my channel.

Creating Chord Progressions and Melodies with Diatonic Transposition in Bitwig

Jul 07, 2019 Tutorial
In this video, I talk about a diatonic transposer that can be used in Bitwig to create chord progressions. By using the diatonic transposer, you can correct wrong notes to the right notes of a scale, making it easier to create chord progressions that stay within a specific scale. I demonstrate how to use the diatonic transposer in Bitwig by choosing a scale and mode, and then using the multi-note function to duplicate the notes to different keys. This allows you to easily find starting chord progressions. I also show how to use the diatonic transposer with an arpeggiator to experiment with chord changes, and how to use it with a bassline by using the note receiver and the arpeggiator. Additionally, I introduce the plugin "Gathulu" which allows you to choose specific notes from a chord to create melody lines. I explain that while diatonic chords can be a good starting point, it's important to break out of the diatonic scale scheme at times to add variation and interest to your compositions. I hope this tutorial provides some ideas for creating interesting melody lines and chord progressions, and I encourage viewers to comment with any questions or tutorial requests.

Creating Rhythms with Oscillators in Bitwig Studio 3.0 Beta 2

May 17, 2019 Tutorial
In this video, I downloaded the new version of Bitwig Studio 3.0 Beta 2 and explored the new features, including an output clipping parameter on the audio out of the grid device. Then, I discussed pulley rhythms and chords and how to turn chords into pulley rhythms and back. I demonstrated a small setup in the Grid with multiple oscillators playing chords and how to modulate their pitch using a value parameter and an I/O output modulator. I also implemented filter devices to distinguish the sounds and used the low-pitched LFOs as timing signals to trigger other oscillators in a more audible range. I showed how this technique can be expanded and used to create different rhythm structures, using different ratios and even playing on the keyboard. Overall, it's a fun and easy way to create rhythm structures with oscillators.

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