Mar 11, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I discuss my experience with the Poly-D analog synthesizer and how it sparked my interest in analog synthesis. I explain the basics of the synthesizer, including its tuning issues, oscillator options, and use of filters and effects. I demonstrate how I use the synthesizer to create chord progressions and incorporate it into my music production process.
Mar 09, 2024 Music-Video
I was a bit bored today and thought I'd record a few sequences while playing on my synths. Nothing special, just messing around. The bass comes from the @behringer Poly-D, arps from the @MoogSynthesizers M32, drums from the DFAM, and a drone and @modarttvideos Pianoteq from @bitwig
Mar 02, 2024 Music-Video
I'm adding various harmonics in and out with the @MoogSynthesizers Subharmonicon, running it through a Valhalla Supermassive, and recording everything in Bitwig. In @bitwig , I'm playing a random backdrop that I created in another tutorial video yesterday My @behringer Poly-D is also providing a nice warm bass. Nothing special, really, but I felt like recording and documenting the whole thing.