Mar 25, 2023 Article
Art and AI's intersection offers unique challenges and opportunities. Learning from past technological shifts, like the MP3 revolution, can guide us in adapting to change. Exploring alternative compensation models for artists, such as basic income, will help support creators. Embracing this evolving relationship enriches our cultural landscape and inspires future generations.
Mar 07, 2023 Article
This article provides five tips for producing music. The first tip is that there is no right or wrong way to produce music, as long as it sounds good. The second tip is to get your mastering right, especially if you plan to distribute your music on vinyl. The third tip is to not obsess over details initially and instead focus on building a good foundation with a few elements. The fourth tip is to keep things in motion, using modulation to create movement in your tracks. Finally, the fifth tip is to experiment and find what works best for you as a producer.