Posts tagged with Ambient

Here you can find a listing of all posts with the tag Ambient on my page.

Descending Generative Polyrhythmic Melodies

Oct 17, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate how to create interesting descending and ascending pitch sequences in Bitwig Studio's grid by using modules like pitch bus, octave wrapper, and pitch quantizer. I explain how to maintain pitches within a specific octave, use the transport module for polyrhythmic structures, and combine multiple sequences with different parameters. You can find the patch linked in the description to explore these concepts further.

Friday Bitwig Jam Catchy Melodic Track

Aug 23, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I start by using polymer to create a quad progression with a saw 16 fat spread out. I then add chorus and delay effects, as well as a no transpose and a global modulator. Next, I record the sound into audio and put it into a sampler, applying reverb and using the transpose feature. I also create a bass from the recorded sound and add percussion elements to create an interesting pattern. Finally, I introduce a lead sound and make some adjustments to the cutoff, volume, and randomization. I end the video with a crash and thank the viewers for watching.

Creating Pitch Maze a Generative Grid Patch for Bitwig

Jul 22, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I create a generative patch using a Poly-Grid instrument track in monophonic mode. I experiment with feedback for pitch generation and incorporate audio pitch modulation. I add various effects like delay, chorus, filter, and reverb to shape the sound, and create a complex and evolving composition.

Shift Register - Generative Melodies

Jun 24, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate how to create a random note generator using the Polymer synthesizer in Bitwig Studio. I use the Node Grid and the Dice module to generate random nodes, and the Triggers module to create eight equally spaced triggers within one bar. I then use the Shift register to record and modify the generated sequence, allowing for variations and alterations in the playback.

Markov Chain Ambient in Bitwig

Jun 19, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I introduced my Markov Chains preset, which is a melody generator based on probabilities. I explained how it works and how I coded it using information from the Hook Theory website. I demonstrated how to create an ambient drone sound using the preset and additional modulations and effects.

Dark Ambient in Bitwig with the Grid

Jun 17, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I explore creating new sounds using the Bitwig Grid. I start by sampling different instruments and then manipulate the samples using various modules such as triggers, quantizers, and modulation. The result is a unique and atmospheric ambient sound that can be further customized and experimented with.

Lo-Fi Vibes: Creating Ambient Music from YouTube Samples

Apr 17, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I share my process for creating ambient music using samples from YouTube. I demonstrate how to record audio from the Windows output and use it in a granular sampler to create unique pad sounds. I also incorporate a minimal beat, piano melodies, and effects like reverb and delay to build a chill-out tune.

Hardware Ambient Jam with ENSO and Bitwig

Apr 15, 2024 Music-Video
Small Hardware and Bitwig jam i did earlier today. Just playing around with synths and hitting record on OBS. ENJOY

Chill Out and Ambient Loop from Scratch in Bitwig

Mar 27, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I take you through the process of building a sound in Bitwig Studio. Starting with a grid, I create a pattern using a sine oscillator, shape the volume with an envelope, and quantize the notes to a scale. I also add voice stacking, effects, and layer different elements to create a complete composition.

Vibey Chilly Loop from Scratch in Bitwig Studio

Mar 18, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I start from scratch in Bitwig Studio to create a nice sounding loop using special techniques. I use the Poly-Grid to create background drones with sine oscillators and phase modulation for interesting overtones. I then sample these sounds and use them in a sampler, add effects, and create percussion elements to complete the loop.

This Track is gone forever - Analog is better than Digital

Mar 09, 2024 Music-Video
I was a bit bored today and thought I'd record a few sequences while playing on my synths. Nothing special, just messing around. The bass comes from the @behringer Poly-D, arps from the @MoogSynthesizers M32, drums from the DFAM, and a drone and @modarttvideos Pianoteq from @bitwig

Tritonage - Tweaking the Harmonics

Mar 02, 2024 Music-Video
I'm adding various harmonics in and out with the @MoogSynthesizers Subharmonicon, running it through a Valhalla Supermassive, and recording everything in Bitwig. In @bitwig , I'm playing a random backdrop that I created in another tutorial video yesterday My @behringer Poly-D is also providing a nice warm bass. Nothing special, really, but I felt like recording and documenting the whole thing.

Complex Ambient Sequences but easy and simple in Bitwig

Mar 01, 2024 Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate a workflow for creating complex patterns and ambient songs using the Trident synthesizer. By sampling different presets from the bell and mallet category, slicing them, and renaming the files, I can load them into a sampler to create a unique and dynamic sound. This method allows for easy experimentation and can be applied to various genres, from ambient to percussion.

The ULTIMATE weapon for quick '90s ethereal pads

Feb 28, 2024 Tutorial
In this tutorial, I demonstrate how to create ambient sounds using 32 instances of Paul Stretch. I start by selecting sounds from the Triton plugin and adding random reverbs for depth. Each instance is then sampled using different keys, lengths, and stretch amounts, resulting in a varied and powerful drone sound. By layering these instances and adding simple melodies, you can create a thick atmospheric dance track.

23 times PaulXStretch and nothing more

Feb 24, 2024 Music-Video
In the video, I use the free plugin PaulXStretch 23 times. In each instance, I've recorded one note and a unique sound from the Korg Triton. Each instance also has a different recording length, different panning and stretches the sample differently. It's always great to see and hear how you can create soundscapes with such simple workflows.

Berlin School Ambient Improv

Jan 30, 2024 Music-Video
Time for another improv on my long time not used gear. Used all my moog studio devices, polyD and some pads from bitwig

Creating Interesting Sounds and Soundscapes with Tones and Wavetables

Sep 04, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I show how to create interesting sounds and soundscapes using tones and wavetables. I primarily use Bitwig Studio and Serum, but just the wavetable editor in Serum. I demonstrate how to manipulate the wavetable by drawing in different wave shapes and randomizing certain partials. I then export the wavetable and import it into Bitwig Studio's wavetable oscillator. Using the wavetable oscillator, I create a motif by randomizing pitch steps and applying pressure and timbre modulation. I also incorporate effects like convolution reverb and delay to enhance the sound. I then explore using the polygrid to create more complex sounds by drawing in sign partials and modulating them over time. Finally, I use the polygrid to create a pad sound by combining sign partials, applying ADSR envelopes and filters, and adding effects like delay and chorus.

Creating a Generative Ambient Grid Patch with Sampled Sounds in Bitwig Studio 4.5

May 24, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I wanted to create a generative grid patch using samples instead of oscillators, which I had never done before. I recorded a kalimba using my microphone and then cleaned it up with a loud split and an outer leveler. I then used it in a polygrid and triggered it with a dice module in free mode, adding notes with a step mode and quantizer. I also added modulation, filters, and delays to the sound. I then added a bass shot and a melody using a sample note. Finally, I randomized the melody and adjusted the balance and frequency using a cool force. I created a backdrop for an ambient tune and provided a link to the patch in the description.

Short Production Stream - Creating Pets and Melodies with Bitwig Studio

Apr 19, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I am working on creating some pets using Bitwig and my MIDI keyboard. I start by recording some audio material and then work on manipulating it using different modules and effects. I enjoy exploring different sounds and creating something new each time. I also talk about my own process of making music and how it is fluid for me, with sound design and mixing all being part of the same process. I take suggestions from the chat and try out different techniques for creating percussion sounds. Overall, it is a chill and meditative process for me.

Creating a Dronie Drum and Bass Track from Scratch in Bitwig Studio

Mar 14, 2023 Tutorial
In this episode of Rack from Scratch, I started with creating a drone using a piano note with a sustain pedal enabled and adding a cluster delay plugin. I recorded the root note and fifth and used a pause stretch plugin to stretch it out. Then, I added a synthesized sound using the grid tool. I incorporated a filter and created a monophonic bass line melody. I went on to add a rim shot and hi-hats, layering a top sound for the rim shot to make it more interesting. I added a reverb trigger using ADSR and probability, and incorporated hi-hats using a pattern and a glitch plugin. Finally, I added a stereo effect for the hi-hats using the blur device, combined with the dry signal.

Creating a Self-Running Grid Patch in Bitwig Studio

Apr 06, 2022 Tutorial
In this video, I showed how to build a self-running grid patch in Bitwig Studio. I started by selecting the grid and setting it to monophonic mode. I then connected a trigger to a phaser and an XP filter, and then used a face in to create notes. I added a sample and hold, a dice module, and a reverb to the patch. I also added a pitch signal to switch between an octave higher or lower. Finally, I used a global shuffle to change the pattern.

Ambient Tools - Three New Ambient Music Presets To Create Unique Soundscapes

Aug 19, 2021 Tutorial
In this video, I have created three new presets for my patrons, which can be found on my Patreon page for the five dollar tier. I call these presets "Ambient Tools" and they are designed to help create interesting rhythms, percussion and glitch effects quickly and easily. I have demonstrated how to use each of the presets, as well as some of the customization options available. I hope you enjoy using these presets and thank you for supporting me!

Bitwig Studio Grid Tutorial: Exploring Generative Patches

Jul 20, 2020 Tutorial
In this video I explained the basics of the grid system in Bitwig Studio, exploring the pre-cords, pitch in/out modules, ADSR, oscilloscope and how to create a generative patch within the grid. I explored how to modify the pitch signal and how to trigger the ADSR envelope with a gate input. I also discussed how to use the pitch quantizer and the gates module to create a self-playing system and how to use random modulators and transpose modules to add more dynamics.

Introducing Two New Bitwig Studio 3 Devices: Stereo Boy and Grain Reverb

Jul 22, 2019 Tutorial
In this video, the creator introduces two new devices or presets for Bitwig Studio 3. The first one is called Stereo Boy, which splits an audio input into two paths. One goes through a stereo splitter, all pass devices, and a stereo merge, creating a wider stereo effect. The second path includes a delay that is modulated slowly. The parameters can be adjusted using micro knobs, and the device can be used to add a weird pitch modulation effect. The second device is called Grain Reverb, which adds different pitches to the sound using pitch shifters and filters on multiple layers. The grain rate and mix can be adjusted for each layer, creating a thick reverb sound. The cutoff and pan can also be modified. The creator demonstrates the sound of both devices and offers them for download on their GitHub repository.

Physical Piano

Jun 02, 2019 Tutorial
In this update video, I talk about how I have been busy with my daily job and preparing presets for the release of Bitwig Studio 3.0. I explain that my goal is to have a collection of good sounding presets ready for new users who want to explore what's possible with the grid. I showcase a piano emulation I created using filters and physical modeling synthesis, along with mechanical sounds from a friend's piano. I also introduce a new reverb called Kitsch-Verb and discuss using random modulation to create an organic feel. I share a work-in-progress version of the piano preset on my GitHub repository and provide a link in the description. I also mention that my friend, Skyance, has released a sample pack on a new website called Intimate Noise and I encourage viewers to check it out. Lastly, I ask for feedback on the piano preset and mention that I will be discussing other patches in upcoming videos.

Showcasing Projects and Presets: Bitwig Studio and Community Creations

May 23, 2019 Tutorial
In today's video, I showcased some creations by Sunset on Mars, an artist who contacted me on SoundCloud. He creates ambient tracks using Bitwig Studio with minimal use of additional VSTs. I also talked about the new features and fixes in Bitwig Studio 3.0 Beta 3 and encouraged viewers to try it out and provide feedback to the developers. I then showcased a preset called Mutated Butterfly Preset, which uses impulse responses of recursive filters to create sound. Finally, I shared a glitch generator created by N. Beidt, which adds interesting artifacts to drum loops. Overall, I asked for feedback on this format of showcasing community creations and expressed my willingness to share more in future videos.

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