Creating a Noyo Funk Bass Tutorial: Easy and Fast Techniques #
Jun 18, 2019 Tutorial
In this video, I show you how to create a Noyo Funk bass using synthesis techniques in the pulley grid. I start by swapping out an envelope for an ADSR to have more control, and I change the triangle to a phase one oscillator. Then, I clone the oscillator and phase modulate one with the other. This creates a nice sounding bass quickly. I also add some effects like an all pass filter and distortion to enhance the sound. I use EQ and a macro knob to further shape the bass. The key is to experiment with different parameters and create movement in the right ranges. I also demonstrate how to create different variations of the bass sound by making small edits and changes. Finally, I share the patch I created in my guitar repository. Overall, it's a fast and easy way to create a Noyo Funk bass.