Creating Interesting Sounds and Soundscapes with Tones and Wavetables #
Sep 04, 2023 Tutorial
In this video, I show how to create interesting sounds and soundscapes using tones and wavetables. I primarily use Bitwig Studio and Serum, but just the wavetable editor in Serum. I demonstrate how to manipulate the wavetable by drawing in different wave shapes and randomizing certain partials. I then export the wavetable and import it into Bitwig Studio's wavetable oscillator. Using the wavetable oscillator, I create a motif by randomizing pitch steps and applying pressure and timbre modulation. I also incorporate effects like convolution reverb and delay to enhance the sound. I then explore using the polygrid to create more complex sounds by drawing in sign partials and modulating them over time. Finally, I use the polygrid to create a pad sound by combining sign partials, applying ADSR envelopes and filters, and adding effects like delay and chorus.